Michikatsu's Betrayal

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~A Few Hours After Yoriichi Left Headquarters~

As you were finishing tending to the garden, you waved goodbye to the others before swinging your bag over your shoulder to prepare yourself dinner in case if Yoriichi came home earlier. As you walked back to your room, you noticed Michikatsu standing alone in the distance as he was staring at the sunset with no particular emotion on his expression.

"Michikatsu! What are you doing out here alone?"

You called out as you made your way to him, tilting your head to the side. When he heard your voice, he turned to look at you as he saw your innocent stare. The sight made him want to hate you more because you caused him to have this feeling. No matter how much he wanted to hate you, seeing you smile was enough for him. When you were in love with his brother and rival, he didn't have the heart to take you for himself.

"I wanted to admire the sunset. Nothing more."

He answered bluntly, causing you to raise an eyebrow at his behavior. You noticed there was something he wanted to say but knew it wouldn't do much good if you poked your nose in his business. "Well, I'm going to make dinner now. If you want, you can help me." You offered, smiling at the other so he wouldn't be lonely since his brother was out on a mission. When he turned his head to look at you once again, there was no way he could hate you because of your smile, although it wasn't the same smile you gave to his brother.

"That would be nice." was all he could respond with because the more he looked at you, the more hurt he was going to be. Before you could open your mouth, you were caught off guard when Michikatsu pulled your head towards his chest, a small gasp leaving your lips. As much as you were confused about what was going on in this man's mind, you didn't understand him at all.

"Take care of that stupid blessed man."

Michikatsu whispered as his grip remained gentle on your head as you stood still without giving much of a reaction because you were still processing what was going on. You knew Michikatsu had a complicated love for his brother despite the jealously and hatred that stood there. Even from afar, you could tell how much Michikatsu wanted to be like Yoriichi.

Before you could say anything, Michikatsu let you go as he began walking away without saying a word. As you stood there confused, you didn't know why you had a bad feeling in your gut. "What on earth is going through your mind?" You mumbled under your breath before taking a step to follow after him to make dinner. All you could hope was for Yoriichi to return safely. When you looked back at the sunset, you were only reminded of Yoriichi because he was the sun in your life.

"Please come home, Yoriichi..."

It has been three days since Michikatsu's disappearance when he vanished without a trace. As everyone grew concerned, you volunteered yourself to wander outside of headquarters to look for your friend. As you walked through the eerie forest, you felt a shiver down your spine, similar to the feeling you felt when someone watched you from the shadows.

This situation reminded you of your first time coming to this era when you had no clue what those man-eating monsters were and Yoriichi saving your life at the same time. When you turned on your heel, your eyes grew in shock as you witnessed an intimidating sight that caused your heart to drop to your stomach.

As he emerged from the shadows, he stared at you with a blank stare while you gazed upon him with shock and horror. When he looked at your hands, they trembled as your body shook with fear due to how intimidating he looked and the aura around him.

Love Beyond Time ~ Yoriichi Tsugikuni x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now