Hashira Meeting

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When Kagaya summoned you and the Hashira, you sat in your usual spot, wondering what Kagaya would want to talk about with all of you. While the others chatted, you thought long and hard about what you should do now. You had a feeling there was going to be a long battle that was going to begin, so you had your suspicions.

When Amane came out to meet you, she apologized for the wait and bowed her head, informing them that Kagaya couldn't attend the meeting for himself. "For our pillar meeting, I, Amane Ubuyashiki, will be attending in place of Kagaya Ubuyashiki," Amane spoke until she caught sight of you from the corner of her eye and bowed her head to you in respect.

You nodded your head in response to acknowledge her regard. You restlessly began to fiddle with the sleeves of your kimono, questioning what you should do now. You knew you had no place to be here, but you didn't understand why you should be in the meeting unless Kagaya needed you to explain something to the Hashira. As they spoke, you were too deep into your thoughts until you heard Amane mention the Sengoku period, which caused you to shake your head and raised your head to look at Amane, who saw your shocked expression.

"[name]-san, it seems you have something to say. If I remember correctly, you were present in the Sengoku era."

When the memories came back to you, you held yourself back from letting out too much of your emotions. As the others kept their eyes on you, you tightened your grip on the sword Yoriichi once held on your waist. "Yes, I was present there. As Amane-san has mentioned, some swordsmen developed the first breathing techniques. If I remember correctly, they had markings on their bodies as Mitsuri-chan and Muichiro had. Even I have one myself."

When you caught their gasps and shocked expressions, you looked over to Amane to ask for permission if it was okay to show them, receiving her nod in response. When you slowly lowered your kimono sleeve, your bare shoulder was exposed to the Hashira. Like Yoriichi, there was a crimson mark resembling Yoriichi's birthmark. Even when you barely acknowledge this, it was still surprising because this never happened to you.

"But I haven't heard of it. So why are we hiding this?"

"Because a lot of people were brooding over the marks never appearing, and that's why. A lot of information about the marks became hazy with time. Perhaps it's never laid out in stone back then. And the demon slayers were on the verge of destruction countless times, so perhaps the succession died out at some point."

Amane responded to Sanemi's question before looking over to you to see if her answer was accurate or not. With a nod of your head, you covered your shoulder and looked over to the Hashira to speak to them. "If I remember correctly, those who had the demon slayer marks died at the age of 25. What Amane-san said is true. I survived because I was turned into a demon against my will, and here I am."

You explained without any emotion in your expression because you said what had to be said. As the meeting progressed and Mucihiro had to explain for Mitsuri how the marks felt, you traveled back into your thoughts. Once the meeting finished and Amane excused herself, you looked over to Giyuu with a frown when he got up to leave. Before the situation could turn into a fight, when Sanemi walked towards Giyuu to provoke a conflict, Gyomei stopped the two and proposed a proposition to them both without a fight breaking out. 

You decided to excuse yourself after Gyomei kept the peace with Sanemi mostly since Giyuu wasn't the type to cause problems. "Hold it, old hag! You have a demon mark, but you never told any of us! You're keeping secrets!" Sanemi confronted you before narrowing his eyes at you, demanding an answer when he knew he wasn't getting anything out of you.

"I have my reasons for keeping my secrets. Even if I am hiding something, I will tell you what you want if necessary. Right now, it's not about me. Your training is crucial to defeat Muzan and end him. Right now, my past isn't as important."

You answered before heading towards the door. You knew that it was horrible of you to keep secrets, but the Demon Slayers didn't revolve around you. Their mission was to end Muzan while yours was to kill Kokushibo off and fight alongside the Demon Slayers. "If you need anything, I will be in my room." You smiled faintly at the others before exiting the room to go back to yours.

As selfish as it was, this wasn't about you at all. There were lives at stake every day, so there was no reason to say anything about your past when no one asked. Sanemi clicked his tongue with annoyance because of how secretive you were towards them, and it wasn't fair because you have been with the Demon Slayers for a long time before either of them was born.

"I don't get it. She's been with the Demon Slayers for a long time. She doesn't tell us anything. Stupid old hag."

Sanemi insulted before sitting back down on the ground, crossing his arms over his chest. Shinobu let out a sigh at the Wind Hashira before looking back at the door. "A woman like her has her secrets. I sense great sadness and anger in her." Gyomei addressed it even though he was expecting Sanemi not to understand. You remained outside the room as you listened to their conversation about you.

What am I doing with my life?

That was something you asked yourself even though you tried your best to help the Demon Slayers and try to move on. For years, you fought and fought without stopping. You almost missed the memories of when you and Michikatsu would bicker and chat with Yoriichi.

"Everything was simple back then."

You whispered to yourself before walking towards the training ground as images run through your mind with memories. "No, don't think of those memories. You have to train yourself too, [name]!" You shook your head and gently smacked your cheeks to make you focus on what was important.

"Who does he think he is calling me an old hag?! I'm only 400 years old! I'm not that old! I'm going to punch that little brat!"


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