Muzan and Tamayo

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After the festival, Michikatsu congratulated you both since he said that the two of you took so long to confess to each other. Of course, you smacked him upside the head to prevent him from bothering you or Yoriichi about what happened that night. Everything that night was perfect because Yoriichi felt the same way for you and decided to stay with you for the night since he couldn't sleep much due to how happy he was.

He couldn't recollect the last time he smiled so much ever since his wife's passing. Yes, he still cherished Uta and proceeded to love her because he grew up with her, but you gradually began to recover his heart from the grief he suffered. Since you knew much about relationships, the two of you agreed on having boundaries with one another, so none of you would upset the other.

Yes, things were different back then in the Sengoku period, but it is always good to set up healthy boundaries with any relationship you have with other people. As you were finishing making Yoriichi food for his mission, yo u noticed Michikatsu leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed, staring at you like a hungry puppy. "What is it? You've been staring at me for five minutes." You sighed before looking over to the older brother, placing your hands on your hips sassily when you were about to nag him about it.

"I was going to ask you to give me some food too. I don't want you to poison me."

"Oh, for Pete's sake! I haven't poisoned you in months! I don't carry poison everywhere. I'm scared I'll kill myself by accident, idiot."

"You're worried about him, aren't you?"

Michikatsu asked before walking over to you to talk to you face to face since you were in your own little world. "How would you know that? You're the one who's always envious of him." You sighed, shaking your head as you finished wrapping the cloth that held Yoriichi's food, tying the top into a small bow. "I know he can take care of himself. I have faith in him." When Michikatsu noticed you smile softly at the thought of his brother, he clenched his fist tightly to the point where his knuckles began to turn white.

Before you could notice, he slowly relaxed his hand and placed it on top of your hand, messing up your hair in the process. "Who knows, you might become my sister-in-law." He snickered when you complained about him messing with your hair as you tried to pat it down. "Oh, that would be a nightmare for me. Besides, Yoriichi and I are not on that level yet, so enjoy your freedom until then. I'm going to meet up with him. I'll chat with you later, Michikatsu."

As he watched you run off to meet his brother, an annoyed groan left his lips as he ran his fingers through his black hair. You didn't bother hesitating to run after Yoriichi and track him down when there was a shimmer of excitement in your [e/c] orbs every time someone mentioned him. He hates this feeling he gained and began to hate you for doing so. He knew it was never going to be possible to have you so all he did was keep his mouth shut and watch your happiness from afar.

"I hope you take good care of her, Yoriichi. She's a keeper, after all."

When you caught up to Yoriichi, you nearly tripped over yourself until catching yourself instantly so you wouldn't ruin his food. "Yoriichi! Wait!" You called out as you panted heavily from running since you weren't used to running so much. After all, you used to be a college student until you came into this era, so here you were.

"I wanted to say goodbye to you. Good thing I caught up to you before you left!"

You beamed, smiling brightly at the man you've grown to love even though he didn't say much due to how quiet he was. "Thank you, [name]. You never fail to bring a smile to my face. You know you don't have to make my food whenever I leave. I hope I do not burden you." Yoriichi reached out his hand to tuck a few strands of hair behind your ear, noticing your cheeks flushing a faint red at the contact.

Love Beyond Time ~ Yoriichi Tsugikuni x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now