I Will Never Leave You

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After spending months passed when you arrived here, life has been peaceful for the most part. After months of training, Yoriichi convinced himself enough to let you practice with a real sword. As happy as you were, that wasn't the only thing that happened during those months.

On some friendly terms, you and Michikatsu decided to put your differences aside and become close friends, but that didn't stop you from annoying the hell out of him. As you carried a tray of snacks for the others as always, your cheeks flushed a faint red when everyone paid their attention to you and ran towards you to get a taste of your delicious food that you prepared for them.

"You are very kind, Princess [name]!"

"Thank you for the food you always give to us!"

"Any man would be lucky to marry you!"

As embarrassed as you were, you nodded your head in acknowledgment and thanked them quietly since you were already flustered enough by their kind words. From afar, Yoriichi noticed everyone crowding around you as if they were moths drawn to a flame, which caused him to frown somewhat, and even Michikatsu saw what was wrong. "If you like her so much, why can't you say anything?" Michikatsu asked, raising an eyebrow at his younger brother, who continued to stare at you like a puppy craving attention. Before Yoriichi could say a word, his eyes lit up when you were making your way towards the brothers.

"Hey, you two! Sorry about the wait! You must've been hungry!"

You called out to the brothers, waving your hand at them as you made your way towards the brothers. You weren't dense to see Yoriichi's eyes sparkle when you approached him and his brother, his smile revealed on his thin lips. "It's about time. Even a grandma can walk faster than you." Of course, Michikatsu came up with a snarky remark, flicking your forehead only to hear an off-guard yelp leave your lips.

"Hey! How insulting! I make food for you and everyone, and this is the thanks I get? Some nerves you have, you jerk!"

Even the two brothers flinched from your outburst, pointing an accusing finger at Michikatsu as if you were the mother scolding a rude child that had no manners, which was what you thought of Michikatsu in a way. "I apologize for my brother, [name]. We appreciate everything you have done for us." Yoriichi immediately placed his hand on your shoulder in a way to prevent you from butting heads with his brother once more.

After all, nothing changed between you and Michikatsu since you would continually argue and bicker as if you were an old married couple. You decided to give it a rest and paid your attention to Yoriichi instead, ignoring Michikatsu's existence although he was standing beside you. "Alright, alright. I'll stop bickering with that thick-skulled man. I wanted to wish you good luck on your mission, Yoriichi. Here, I made some dumplings for you."

You then handed a small bag of fresh dumplings you made for Yoriichi, specifically since you knew how much he loved your food. Despite giving him food and wishing him luck on his missions, there were many reasons why Yoriichi began to develop feelings for you. When he buried those feelings deep within his heart, it was an attempt to erase the past after what happened to his family. Although you were similar to Uta social wise, he saw that you were bolder and stubborn as a mule when you never held your tongue and grew snarky towards people who didn't have your respect.

Yoriichi was the opposite of you.

People saw him as a mysterious man gifted by the gods, but he was calm and collected with a heart made of gold. It was no wonder why everyone looked up to him and respected him, especially you and Michikatsu. "Thank you, [name], as always." Michikatsu internally gagged at the sight of you and his brother gazing into each other's eyes with warm smiles on your faces while he remained in the background as a third wheel.

Love Beyond Time ~ Yoriichi Tsugikuni x Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now