Chapter 10

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The twin girls were a little worried when they didn't see Matt outside the school. Every time he didn't pick them up after school both girls knew it was because he was at a fire. They had always known he was a firefighter and it used to never bother them. He was the girls hero and they were proud of him. None of that has changed, but living with him and being constantly reminded of the dangers of his job was unsettling for her. But Grace and Ellie would never tell him that, he loved his job.

It didn't take long for Grace or Ellie to spot Christie. She was leaning against her car and talking on her cell phone. She waved when she saw the girls and as they walked over they could see her trying to end the conversation. Christie was trying really hard lately, Grace and Ellie didn't mind, the girls realised most of what their mother told them about Christie was wrong and the twin girls liked having her around.

Jake could care less either way. He wasn't hesitant towards people like Grace and Ellie were and he didn't have any problems with new people coming into his life. He figured they couldn't be any worse than the people that were in his life back in L.A. He welcomed change easily, it was part of his carefree personality.

"How was school?" Christie said when Ellie and Grace got close enough.

Ellie smiled whilst Grace shrugged. "It was good, nothing new."

"You guys don't have cheer practice after school?" Christie asked as they waited for Jake.

"Not on Fridays." Ellie said as both the girls threw their bag in the backseat of the SUV. "Tyler asked me out."

Christie smiled with excitement for her niece. "Did you say yes?"

"Yeah, but I said I'd have to ask Matt." Grace frowned. "How long do you think he'll be?"

"Is your date tonight?"

Grace nodded. "He asked me out on Tuesday but I haven't told Matt yet."

Christie smirked remember the days of dating. "Well I think he'll be awhile. He asked me to pick you up and have dinner with us. He said he'd get you when he was off shift at eight."

"Tyler said he'd pick me up at seven." Grace bit her lip.

"I don't see why you can't go." Christie said. "I'll talk to Matt for you when he comes at eight."

"Really?" Grace smiled. "Thanks."

"No problem," Christie said giving her a one armed hug.

"What about you Ellie any relationships in your eyes?" Christie asks her youngest niece.

"There's a friend called Alex who is nice but just a friend" Ellie smiled. "That's good glad to hear it" Christie says.

"There's that brother of yours."

Jake jogged over to the car and Grace and Ellie realized he was in his gym clothes and didn't have his bag with him. "Hey Aunt Christie," He said giving her a hug. "Where's Uncle Matt?"

"At a fire, where's your stuff?"

"The assistant basketball coach is running an off court practise in the weight room and I really want to go. He invited me and I can't really say no. If I do I might not make the team. Please, can I go?"

Christie sighed. "How long will you be?"

"An hour, two at the most."

Christie nodded. "Alright, but I'll be back to get you so you better not take off."

"I won't," He grinned. "Thanks Aunt Christie."

They watched him run back inside before getting into the car and starting to drive. "Matt hasn't said if he could try out yet." Grace said after a few minutes of silent driving.

Matt Casey's nieces and nephew Where stories live. Discover now