Chapter 9

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Ellie was sitting at the table with Dawson talking to her about what happened. "Dawson I was upstairs in my bedroom, which is in the front of the house so I never heard the music as I had my headphones on doing my homework then I went downstairs for a drink and I saw loads of people inside. Where I saw Rachel who was sick so I rang Shay and then that's it really" Ellie says.

"Did you drink any alcohol?" Dawson asks

"No I didn't."

Grace was sitting on the counter in the kitchen talking to Mills. She was swinging her legs as he stood across from her, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest. He had come pretty protective of her and when he heard what happened, he wasn't happy either. Grace was explaining, something she figured she would be doing multiple times over the next few days.

"I was going to tell Matt, but then I got there and Tyler was there and – "

"Who is Tyler?" Mills interrupted.

Grace tried not to let a smile slip through as she hesitated. "He's a friend."

"A friend?" Mills questioned. "A friend that distracted you how?"

Grace rolled her eyes. "Not like that, we were just playing beer pong."

"Excuse me?" He raised his eyebrows.

Grace sighed. "I wasn't drinking. Are you going to let me finish this story?"

"Sorry, go ahead."

"Anyway, I got caught up talking to him and my friends and I didn't tell him."

"Because you were having a good time." Grace nodded. "I don't know Grace, that's not really a good reason."

"Yeah but I didn't throw the party and I wasn't grounded."

"Okay, but you knew it was wrong and you didn't say anything to Casey."

Grace sighed dramatically. "I know but I haven't had any fun since I got here and I like Tyler."

"I wouldn't tell Casey that," Mills said. "I get why you didn't tell him but I don't think you're off the hook."

"I know," Grace said looking down. "He's going to hate me."

"Hey," Mills frowned. "He won't hate you."

"I'm so stupid for not telling him and Jake is stupid for throwing the party. What if he wants to get rid of us?" Grace looked up at him, the worry clear in his eyes.

"He's not going to do that." Mills reassured. "And you are not stupid."

"You don't know that." She said quietly, referring to her fear of Casey leaving.

"Grace Ellie," Severide said as he walked into the room. "Off the counter and follow me."

"Hey Kelly I'm talking to Ellie you deal with Grace."


Grace rolled her eyes at Mills and jumped down, following Severide out of the room and into the locker room. Grace found it a weird spot to talk but she figured it was because Casey was with Jake in his office.

"What are you going to lecture me now?" She said once inside.

"You're damn right I am. Sit down." Grace sighed and sat down on the bench. Severide crossed his arms and towered over her. "You may have not thrown the party but you went there and let it happen."

"Me and Elle not Jake's babysitter, even if I wanted to shut the party down there is no way I could have."

"No, but if you called Casey or me, we could have. You were just as irresponsible as Jake was. You knew Casey wouldn't let you have a party with alcohol and without him but you didn't tell him. You know better than this, I thought you were smarter than this."

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