Chapter 45

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Casey was heading down the hallway but stopped when he saw Grace sitting in her room. She was on the bed, sitting crossed legged and looking at her computer. He paused in the doorway and studied her, but she didn't notice his presence.

"Hey," He said with a frown as he leaned against the frame. "I thought you were at the party?"

She looked up at him briefly before answering slowly. "I wasn't really invited."

Casey's frowned deeper, there was something about hearing that your kid was being left out that made a parent upset. "Oh, why?"

Grace shrugged, pressing her lips into a tight line. "Kayla doesn't want me there," She said. "It was either me or her and they chose her. She usually gets what she wants."

"You don't deserve to be treated like that, what kind of friends are those?"

"It's okay, Uncle Matt." Grace said with a pathetic smile. "I've dealt with girls like this my whole life. Being an outsider isn't a new feeling for me."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Casey glanced at his watch. He had a meeting at the school to make-up for the parent-teacher conferences.

"Not really," She said. "And don't you have to be at the school?"

Casey hesitated. "Yeah, I have to pick Gabby up, but we can talk later. We'll be home in an hour."

"Can you drop me off at Charlie's?" She asked. "I went on a rant to him earlier and he invited me over."

"Charlie, the college student?" Casey said. "I don't know if I like the idea of you being at a college boy's house alone with the guy."

"It's Charlie, you like Charlie." Grace reminded him. "And his roommates are there, two of which are girls."

Casey sighed. "Fine, let's go."

Casey dropped Grace off, picked Dawson up and headed to the interviews at the school. The meeting was with the guidance counsellor since the teachers couldn't all be there. The teachers handed in reports and spoke with the counsellor before the meeting. Casey found it easier and less stressful to meet with just one person opposed to multiple teachers.

"Both Elle, Grace and Jake are doing really well," She said. "Jake has improved a great deal this year and Grace is maintaining her high average. She did have a few out of behaviour slip ups this semester though."

Casey and Dawson exchanged a look before Dawson spoke up. "Spanish? Yes, that is being dealt with."

"Well, yes, Spanish." She nodded. "But also in History and English. It's a little worrisome because Grace is so bright and she has high marks in Math, Dance and her three science courses. But she seems to be slacking, or maybe struggling, in History, Spanish and English. Her work lacks effort and sometimes this happens with students who enjoy and are very good at Math and Science, they don't like the teaching style or assignments of classes where there is a lot of reading and writing. But Grace did well last year so we are concerned."

"She isn't failing those classes, is she?" Casey asked.

"No, but they are lower than expected. Grace has a shot at Ivy League schools with scholarships." She explained. "But she needs to maintain her A average. It's probably something you should discuss with her."

"We will." Casey nodded, a frown playing on his face. "That is not like her."

"She has English and History with Tyler." Dawson said. "That may be why."

"She also has Chemistry with Tyler." Casey pointed out.

"But Elle and Jake is in that class, he's not in the other two." She looked to the counsellor. "Are her teachers aware of the situation?"

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