Chapter 58

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A/N: Sorry you've been waiting for so long since July but it's here now hope you enjoy this chapter.

Whilst the triplets were making breakfast Ellie was very quite which
Everyone who knows the triplets knows she much quieter. But todays different. Elles not eating the food like the others are whilst making the breakfast.

Jake, Ellie and Grace are making the breakfast but trying to be as quiet as they possibly could be as Casey and Dawson got ready for work. It was her first day and they wanted to do something nice for them both. Elle was making Eggs, Grace was making pancakes and Jake was trying to fry bacon but he kept burning himself as he cooked.

"Ow," Jake whispers as he finishes cooking the bacon and stepped away from the pan.

"Stop shouting." Ellie and Grace whisper telling their brother.

"Why are you two whispering?" He asks his sisters. "You don't think they can smell this?"

"Even if they can smell it, they probably don't think it's coming from here." Grace tells him and Ellie just nods. "We never cook."

"And for good reason." Jake said as the pan with the bacon keeps spitting at him again when he reached over to turn it down.

"Ok so the scrambled eggs are done is the pancakes and bacon?" Ellie asks.

"Pancakes are done about to turn the pan off." Grace says putting the pancakes onto a hot plate.

"What about you Jake?" Hi Ellie asked and both the girls look at their brother.

"Turning it off now all done." Jake says and moved the bacon collide to the rest of the food.

All food is on the table ready to be eaten and coffee and tea set at the table too.

"What's this?" Dawson asks with a smile on her as she came into the kitchen with Casey behind her.

"We wanted you to have a good first day." Grace smiled. Answering the question.

"So, you cooked?" Casey said with a grin, raising his eyebrows of surprise.

"Yeah, and we have the scars to prove it." Jake says. "Damn bacon almost burned me to death with all its spitting."

"Well, we appreciate your pain." Dawson said as she sat down, the others following behind her.

"As long as it tastes good." Casey added, still grinning at the triplets.

"Elle pass me the coffee?"

Ellie reached over to the pot and placed it down in front of him. "Here you go." Ellie says.

When Grace went to get some bacon Casey noticed her wrist.

"Grace," He frowned when he saw her wrist. "Did you burn yourself?"

"Oh, yeah," She said as she looked at her wrist. "I reached over the pan for a plate and my wrist pressed against it."

"Let me see it." Dawson said, a look of concern coming over her face. Grace turned and placed her arm in Dawson's hand. "When did you do this?"

"Like two minutes ago." Grace said.

"Go run it under water." Gabby Dawson said. "I'll get the first aid kit."

"It's fine." Grace insisted. "It doesn't need to ruin this nice breakfast we made to celebrate your first day."

"It's a first degree burn and it needs to be treated." Ellie said surprising everyone she knew that, then Grace doesn't go she stays sitting at the table.

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