Chapter 37

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Casey and Dawson were scrambling around that morning trying to get ready in time. Casey had just got home off from his shift, Dawson had to be at the Academy this morning and the triplets had to be at school other than Ellie who was going to see Dr Charles. Dawson was making breakfast and Casey was making lunches. They shared a smile, both thinking that they make a good team and Casey realizing this parenting thing was a lot easier with another person to help.

"How were the triplets last night?" Casey asked. Having Dawson move in was an added bonus. This way he knew exactly what the triplets were up to while he was on shift.

"Well, there's good news and bad news." She said as she cut up fruit for a fruit salad.

"Of course there is." Casey smirked.

Dawson smiled. "Good news is they did their homework and helped with dinner. Bad news is that Jake missed curfew by a half hour and he got detention yesterday."

"For what?" Casey frowned.

"Making out with Rachel in the girls locker room during gym," Dawson said as she looked at him. "You may want to talk to him about cooling it."

"Yeah, I'll do that." Casey nodded. "And Ellie and Grace?"

Dawson sighed. "Not the best night for Grace but Elle was okay we were chatting a little whilst a movie was on. I think Dr Charles is really helping her with the anxiety, and keeping her head clean. Last night Elle was telling me that she has a date coming up with Alexandra."

Casey stopped and looked at her with genuine concern for his nieces. " That's good I'm happy she's getting a little closure. How bad is it with Grace then."

"You know, Gracie was fine when you were in the hospital. I mean it; she was as solid as a rock and strong. But now," Dawson shook her head. "I think she is now realizing how close it was and she's having a hard time because she never dealt with all her emotional stress during it."

"I don't know what to do." Casey admitted. "I can't be here every night and I can't quit my job."

"I don't think it's like that." Gabby said. "Remember how she was after her mom showed up the last time and when Griffin and Ben were here? She got it in her head that she could be taken away from you. Now she knows you will never leave her and she knows she won't get taken away from you, but she doesn't know that something won't happen to you to take you away from her. She knows the job is dangerous and we almost lost you, Matt."

Casey sighed. "I can't change how dangerous the job is."

"Look, I know it seems bad and you're worried but it will be okay. Ellie is getting help and Jake and I already fell apart when you were in the hospital but Grace hasn't dealt with it yet. She's going through it now and it's going to be a little rough. I think the frat party on the weekend was just the start. She's going to rebel again and you're going to have to be there for her."

"I don't understand the acting out for attention thing." Casey said. "If you want my attention, talk to me. Don't do something stupid that will make me mad."

Dawson shrugged. "I think it's more like testing authority or testing to make sure you'll be there when they need you. Just promise me that if she does do something stupid and it upsets you that you won't lose your temper on her Ellie or Jake."
Casey frowned. "I won't."

"Matt, I don't want the triplets to see you like how I saw you in the restaurant and I don't want them on the receiving end."

"I don't want that either," He said. "I've never lost my temper with them before."

"Gabby, do you know where my gym shoes are?" Jake interrupted as he came into the kitchen. He saw his uncle and quickly tried to escape.
"Freeze." Casey said firmly and Jake turned around. "Speaking of gym, do you plan to actually go to gym and participate in class today?"

Matt Casey's nieces and nephew Where stories live. Discover now