Chapter 50

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A/N: Hi guys just wanted to say I'm so sorry I've not been writing I've been working and been on holiday and dealing with a lot but I've written you a lovely long chapter hope you enjoy. Love Lil xx

Casey raced through the airport. He was on call so he had come straight from the firehouse and he was in his uniform. As he navigated through the large crowd he briefly wondered if he should have put on his equipment, or at least his jacket. The public seemed to move out of Matt's way when he had that jacket on and right now all he wanted was a clear path to his nephew.

When he did see him the relief he felt was quickly replaced with anger but he knew this was not the place for the conversation he wanted to have. Antonio was kneeled down next to him and his voice was low and soft. Casey hung back and watched, letting them finish talking. He put a hand on Jake's shoulder and Jake nodded before he stood and approached Casey.

Casey sighed and put his hands on his hips, nodding once. "Thanks for calling, Antonio."

He nodded back. "I figured you'd want to know."

"Did he talk to you?"

"He didn't talk much." He said. "He's not doing so well, is he?"

"No, he's hurting pretty bad. But it doesn't mean he gets a free pass to take off." Casey frowned before shaking his head. He walked over to Jake and stood in front of him. "You okay?"

"Yes sir." Jake said quietly. He didn't look up but Casey knew he was crying, or he had been.

"Let's go home then."

Casey reached down, grabbing Jake's upper arm and hauling him up to his feet. It wasn't rough but it wasn't all that gentle either. Jake knew it meant he wanted him to follow and he did. Casey let his hand slip down to Jake's wrist and Jake let his uncle pull him through the crowd, out of the airport and guide him into his truck.

The drive home was uncomfortably silent for Jake. He didn't even want to risk a glance because he knew his Uncle was furious with him. Instead he stared out the window and watched the world fly by until they pulled up in front of the house, much too soon for Jake.

"Go to your room." Casey said once they were inside. His voice was calm and quiet but it didn't fool Jake one bit. "I'll be up to talk to you shortly and we will be talking about this."

"Yes sir." Jake whispered before heading up the stairs, taking them two at a time, wanting to disappear as fast as possible.

Casey spent the next thirty minutes on the phone with his credit card company and the airline trying to reverse the charge Jake made. Lucky for him, and for Jake, it was a refundable ticket. He headed upstairs and knocked lightly before opening the door. He grabbed the desk chair and put it in front of the bed where Jake was sitting with his laptop that he closed when he came in.

"What were you thinking?" Matt finally asked.

Jake looked down at his hands. "I didn't get to say goodbye. I just wanted to go to the memorial service."

"Why didn't you tell me that?"

"I wanted to go by myself." He said. "So I could really say goodbye."

"So, you stole MY credit card and bought a plane ticket?" Matt watched Jake frown uneasily as he nodded. "Look at me when I'm talking to you, Jake." He looked up and Casey raised his eyebrows at him. "Did you think I wouldn't find out?"

"No, I just thought I'd already be there by the time you did. I was going to call you when I landed." He explained. "I didn't know Antonio would be working a case at the airport and see me."

Matt Casey's nieces and nephew Where stories live. Discover now