Chapter 23

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Hello readers

This chapter is kind of fun and there's a surprise in there I think you'll like. It's not the longest chapter but I wanted to give you a little something to enjoy!

THREE MONTHS LATER (Set in September)

"You have to go. They can't see you." Casey whispered as he ushered her out the door the next morning.

"They probably already know." She said as she pulled him out on the front step with her. "They're smarter than you think."

"Of course they're smart, they're my kids." Casey smirked.

"Officially?" She asked with a raised brow.

"Got the call this morning." He nodded. "Full custody."

"Did you tell them?" She asked excitedly.

"I'm telling them tonight." He said. "I was going to take them out to dinner."

"That will be nice." She said after a pause.
"Do you want to come?" He asked slowly.

"As a friend, or?"

"Yeah," Casey shrugged. "Or as more than a friend."

She smiled at him, she couldn't help it. "Sure, I'm off at six."

"I'll make reservations for seven and pick you up at quarter to?"

She nodded. "Okay, I'll see you then.

Casey watched her go before picking up the newspaper and heading back into the house. He had barely made it into the kitchen to start breakfast before the fighting started. The triplets had been fighting a lot lately and Casey wasn't sure why but he chalked it up to them being moody teenagers.

Grace spent the summer at ballet school and became very focused on her dance. Ellie went to Medical summer school being fully focused in wanting to get into the best college in the US to become a doctor one day. Made some friends who she chats to every now and then. As well as her girl friend Alexandra . Jake went to basketball camp and became focused on partying with his new friends. For the most part there was little problems this summer, except for Jake missing curfew a few times.

"GRACE WILL YOU GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM ALREADY!" Jake yelled. Casey groaned from the kitchen as he heard the yelling and banging on the door.

"I'm getting ready!" She yelled back.

"You've been in there for an hour!"

"I told you I was going to be in the bathroom at this time." She said as she opened the door with a towel wrapped around her and wet hair.
"Maybe you should have gotten up earlier."

"Maybe you shouldn't take an hour long shower. Elle and I both need to go inside to use the bathroom." He said. "I have to get ready too and I started shaving so I need extra time."

"Oh please," She scoffed. "You have like two hairs on your chin, pull them out and stop pretending you're suddenly a man!" She said as she slammed the door.

"GRACE!" Jake banged on the door again. "All the pampering in the world isn't going to make your prettier!"

"You're such a jerk!" She yelled through the door.

"And you're a high maintenance bitch!"

"Hey!" Casey yelled as he rounded the corner with Ellie by his side. "Knock it off."

"She's been in the bathroom for an hour!" Jake said. "She slipped a note under my door last night saying she would be in the bathroom from six to eight!"

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