Chapter 54

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Casey slipped out of the bathroom and into his room with a towel wrapped around his waist. Dawson was finishing getting ready as he began to change. It was early that morning, but they both had to work and it was the first day back at school for the triplets.

He changed into his uniform, navy pants with a grey polo that he wore tucked in his trousers, then a black and silver belt and black work boots. Dawson was already in her uniform and had just finished fixing her hair and make-up before turning to him.

"I'll start breakfast." Dawson tells him.

"Alright, I've got lunches then" He followed her to the door.

"I'll do lunches too if you wake them up." She grinned at him and he smirked, shaking his head.

They headed in opposite directions; Dawson downstairs and Casey down the hall. He knocked softly on the door before opening it and walking into the room. "Grace, time to get up." He called out as he crossed the room, opening the blind.

"Urgh, Uncle Matt." She groans at the light and pulled the blankets over her head to hide her eyes away from the sun.

"First day of school," He announced. "Come on, Gracie, get up."

"I'm tired." She whined. "Wake Ellie and Jake up first."

"You take longer to get ready." Matt tells her .

"I don't want a repeat of last year's bathroom war. I want you out of the bathroom in fifteen minutes and downstairs for breakfast in thirty. You hear me?"

"Yeah, yeah," She mumbled. "I hear you."

"Then you better start moving, Grace."

Grace sighed dramatically and climbed out of her bed. She grabbed a towel off the back of her door and disappeared into the bathroom. Casey headed downstairs to find Dawson was busy making the ultimate breakfast; eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes and fruit salad, she had all the bases covered. He opened the fridge and pulled out what he would need for lunches.

"Make them healthy lunches, please." Dawson said. "They have practise today so they'll also need a snack with protein to eat before."

"I know babe." Casey nodded and smiled at her. "This isn't my first time with them."

She smiled back at him. "Okay, sorry. I just don't want them eating junk food from that school."

"Alright, what do you suggest I make them?" He knew when to give up. "Or do you want to switch?"

"Let's switch." She nodded and traded places with him. "You're on breakfast duty."

"Grace is being picky with food again." He reminded. "And Jake needs two sandwiches or he's starving, then Ellie seems to be fine but sometimes Ellie's been picking at food he says."

"That's because he doesn't eat enough of the right foods."

"So, what are you going to make them?"

"For Grace, a salad with spinach, arugula and romaine lettuce with grilled chicken, feta cheese, dried cranberries and some cucumber with balsamic dressing. For Jake, a large chicken wrap stuffed with vegetables and garlic sauce. Ellie is having a single chicken and lettuce tomato" Dawson says. "And then they will get an apple with their lunch, a protein bar and drink for practise, and a bottle of water.

Do you think that's enough food?"

"Between all that and this breakfast?" He raised his eyebrows. "I think they'll be just fine."

"You think I'm over doing it, don't you?" Gabby looked at him.

"No, but I don't know who you're trying to impress. The triplets love you, I love you." Matt had wondered why Dawson was trying so hard lately. She had insisted on making a proper breakfast and eating it together. She wanted the triplets to have healthy lunches and she wanted everything to go smoothly. He knew she was trying to step into a parent role, but the triplets already liked her, she didn't need their approval.

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