Chapter 19

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A/N: Okay, I just wanted to address a few things that came up in the reviews. The problem was that I had already written the last chapter and I had this chapter in mind before I saw the episode from Wednesday. Hallie's death threw me off a bit and I had to rethink what I was going to do. But I really like these chapters, so I wanted you to read them and then I'll get back to the show.

First, I'm well aware of how firefighters' shifts work because my Dad is a firefighter...
surprise, haha. I know they're on 24 hour shifts but I don't really want to get caught up in the logistics of it all. Sorry, if it is confusing some people or bothering anyone but I don't find it super important to constantly address it if you know what I mean, so just go with it. Plus, firefighters actually only work 11 days out of the month, at least that's how it is for the ones I know, which means Casey is technically home with the twins a lot so he is able to do things like chaperone.

Secondly, yes, Grace is a tad dramatic, needy and attention seeking but that is a part of her character. What I want to remind people is not only is Grace a teenage girl, but she went through a hard childhood so harboured feelings and trust issues from her relationships with her parents are going to spill over to her relationship with Matt. The same goes for Jake, and you'll see that in the next few chapters. I like to make those connections, I'm a realistic writer so I don't like to just have happy endings and move on. I want my characters to struggle because I believe that's what makes readers so interested in them. If you're getting annoyed with Grace, that's okay, it's just all part of her character.

Thirdly, I like to keep somewhat in step with the show. So that being said, Hallie is going to die in my story and I'll work the twins into how Casey is reacting on the show. I'm most likely going to have Severide step up and help with the twins as Casey works his way through this. If you were getting annoyed with Grace's dramatics, you'll fall back in love with her in the next few chapters, I promise.

I know it seems like there is going to be a lot going on and a lot of drama, but come on, you guys love the drama!

Ellie, Grace and Rachel were getting ready later that night in their room. The cheerleaders had moved on and so did the basketball team so they all decided they wanted to celebrate. They all had dinner together but the coaches imposed a strict curfew and made them go back to their rooms for eight. They had to fake getting ready for bed for when the chaperones came around to check on them, but as soon as they left, they quickly got dressed and started on their hair and make-up.

The cheerleaders were meeting the guys outside at eight thirty so they all had to sneak out quickly and quietly to avoid being caught. The guys wanted whatever they had planned to be a surprise for the girls, but considering the text message read "bring bikinis", the girl figured it had something to do with the pool. They were up for anything because half the fun of school trips is breaking the rules and sneaking out.

Ellie, Grace and Rachel left their room and hurried down the hall to the stairwell. They made their way down to the bottom floor and took the exit to the outside of the building. They couldn't risk going through the lobby. They were waved over by some of the other girls who were standing a few feet away down the building by another door.

"What's going on?" Ellie asked when she saw Claire.

"This is the door to the pool." Claire grins. "The boys lifted a card off the maid's cart and went around to let us in. We're going to have ourselves a little pool and hot tub party."

"That, I could definitely go for." Ellie said Grace nodded as the door opened and Nick appeared.

"Ladies," He said as he held the door open for them. The girls walked in to find the rest of the basketball team already in their suits. It wasn't just some little pool, it was an Olympic size pool complete with diving boards and water slides. "So, no alcohol this time because we want to win tomorrow. The pool is actually on its own wing and far away from any rooms or the front desk, but we don't want to get caught, so no screaming, girls." Nick said as he flashed his famous charming smile at the girls.

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