Chapter 8

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A month had passed and everyone had settled into a routine. The triplets were adjusting well at home with Casey and at school with their new friends. Jake had been working out with the basketball team, getting ready for tryouts, and his shoulder was almost healed. Grace and Ellie had been helping both the junior and senior cheerleading teams with their chorography. Casey was getting into the groove of being a parent and trying to find the right balance. He was happy they had both seemed to make friends easily and get involved in after school programs.

Casey was working his first night shift since the twins moved in and he was worried about leaving them home alone. Grace had become a little clingy when it came to Casey after talking about what happened with her Dad. She had been having nightmares and Casey was worried about leaving her alone for the night. Ellie had a few nightmares but she is doing well in school.
Casey didn't think he had to worry about Jake until he got a call from the school letting him know Jake had skipped his math class.

"You skipped class?" Casey asked the minute the twins arrived at the firehouse after school.

"What?" Jake said innocently.

"The school just called to tell me you skipped math."

Jake sighed. "It's one class at the end of the week."

"I don't care. You are to be in all your classes every day, unless I say otherwise. Got it?"

"Yeah, I got it."

"You're not going out tonight."

"What?" Jake yelled. "You already said I could!"

"That was before you skipped class. Maybe next time you won't."

"That's not fair!"

"It's plenty fair, Jake. If you don't want to miss weekend time, don't miss class time."

"Come on Uncle Matt, I'm not going to skip again."

"You're still not going out tonight." Casey said. "And I will be checking in so you damn well better be in that house every time I call."

"Whatever." Jake mumbled and walked away.

Casey took a breath and watched him go before turning to Grace and Ellie. "How were your day?"

"We didn't skip class," Grace said with a smirk.

"Good," Casey said. "Are you going to be alright tonight?"

Grace shrugged. "Can I stay here?"

"If you want." Casey reassured. "You don't have plans?"

"No, not really."

"Ellie what about you?"

"I have nothing but homework so I'm gonna stay too if it's okay." Ellie tells Matt.

"Yeah that's fine." Casey tells the youngest triplet.

The triplets ate dinner at the firehouse with Casey and the rest of the guys. Anytime Casey worked and there was food being made they stayed, it was just easier that way. Casey believed that the guys in the house really helped the triplets adjust too and they were like family. After dinner, Severide and Jake went to work out before leaving.

"Uncle Matt I've got to go back for some books so I'm gonna go home."

"Okay yeah go with Severide." Matt says whilst hugging her then she leaves.

Severide was off for the night and dropped Jake and Ellie off at home for Casey. Everyone in the house noticed that Jake was upset with Casey and ignoring him.

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