Chapter 12

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Casey arrived back at the firehouse with the others about an hour later. He made his way back to the kitchen to pick up the triplets to bring out to dinner with a few of the others. He was surprised when he only saw Ellie and Jake seated at the table, even more surprised when he saw Jake doing homework.

"Where's Grace?"

The twins hesitated, debating between covering for their sister and telling their uncle what happened. With no desire to get into any more trouble, Jake opted for the latter. "I don't know. She left with Tyler."

Casey frowned. "Why?"

"Well," Jake sighed. "We got into a fight and she took off. She does this when she doesn't get her own way, she'll be back eventually."

Casey pulled out his phone and dialed Grace. The phone went straight to voicemail and Casey raised his eyebrows. It wasn't like his oldest niece to take off and not answer his calls. He knew she either had her phone off or was ignoring his calls, either way, he wasn't happy. "Grace, call me back, sooner rather than later."

He hung up just as Severide and the others came strolling into the room. "Where's Grace?" He asked as he looked around. "I thought we were all going out for dinner?"

"We were supposed to." Casey said. "She took off."

"Why?" Dawson frowned as she pulled out her phone.

"I already called her and I don't know."

"Jake, Ellie" Severide turned to him. "What happened?"

Jake sighed. "She was complaining about the lack of attention she gets. I told her to stop being a victim."

Casey frowned at his nephew. "That wasn't very nice."

"She was going at me saying I was the reason no one ever paid attention to her." Jake defended himself. "I tell you guys stuff, and talk to you about your stuff too. I mean, she really only talks to Dawson and Mills. She did this at home too, she expects everyone to just know about all her accomplishments and constantly praise her. She gets good grades and tries really hard at stuff just to get the praise. It's not my fault and I wasn't going to sit here and let her ruin my good mood."

Severide smirked, noticing his anger. "How'd that work out for you?"

"She can't be far." Shay said. "Do you want to look for her or just wait?"

"We should look for her." Severide said.

"We should wait." Dawson said at the same time.

"I agree with Dawson," Mills said. "She'll come back, she just needs to blow off some steam."

"She's obviously upset," Severide said. "I don't want her to do something stupid because she has some crazy idea that we don't care about her."

Casey nodded. "Yeah, this could be a test to see if we come after her too."

"Besides," Severide added. "She can't just take off like that."

Casey sighed. "Alright, here's what we'll do. Dawson and Mills can you go to the diner? I know Tyler likes the food there too so they might stop there at some point."

"Yes we can do that." Dawson nodded with a smile. "Someone should go to your house."

"I can do that." Shay said. "I have a stack of sperm donor profiles to go through anyway."

"Okay," Casey nodded. "Jake, Ellie can you call your friends and see if anyone has seen her?"

"Yeah I guess we can just ruin our night." Jake sighed. "I had plans with Rachel but whatever."

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