Chapter 31

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Grace and Ellie were sitting at the table in the firehouse kitchen doing their homework. The house was on a call and Jake was still at basketball practise so the twin girls were all alone together. The cheerleaders never practiced on Fridays and since the triplets were still grounded, Grace and Ellie had nothing to do but her homework.

Ellie finished all her homework since she had study hall. All that's left for a Ellie is to read chapters 5 to 15 for English class, so she sat down at the table. Whilst Grace had a project in Biology due Monday and had barely started. Casey wouldn't be happy about that but she was never late and she always got A's. The triplets had learned that if they did their homework at the house, almost everyone would help them out. Grace always assumed it was because they were bored waiting around for calls because no one actually wanted to do high school homework.

Grace heard the door open but was confused when she heard only one set of footsteps. The minute Grace saw her she knew who she was. Mrs. McLeod was hell bent on destroying firehouse 51 and subsequently destroying the only family Grace ever had. She'd be damned if she let that happen.

"Hello," She said, obviously surprised that there were some people there.

"Hi," Grace answered back, barely looking up from her notebook and Ellie smiled waving.

"I'm Ms. McLeod; I work with the State Fire Marshall's Office."

Ellie and Grace nodded. "We know."

"Well, who are you girls?" Her tone was condescending. "And why are you in firehouse 51?"

There was something about her that both Ellie and Grace just didn't like. It wasn't the stories of her or what she was trying to do, it was something else. Ellie and Grace were always really good judges of characters and their senses were screaming at them. " I'm Grace Casey and that's Ellie Casey my twin sister" pointing at Ellie.

"Oh," She said surprised. "I didn't know Lt. Casey had any daughters."

Grace wasn't sure why she didn't correct her. "And a son." Ellie nodded. "We're triplets."

"Wow, what's that like?"

Grace smirked, always amused with people's fascination that she was triplets. "It is both a blessing and a curse."

"Does he also have a wife?"

"No." Grace said shortly. "She's not around."

That seemed to change something in McLeod's demeanour. She pulled out one of the chairs and sat down across from Grace and next to Ellie. "So, how often are you girls and your brother here?"

Grace looked up at her, debating on how she wanted to play this game. "It depends."


"On whether or not what I say sways your decision on whether or not to close this house."

McLeod was thrown by her statement, but smiled and nodded. "You girls are very smart. How old are you?"

"We're Sixteen."

"Wise beyond your years."

"We get that a lot."

"Let me guess, you're the smart ones and your brother is the athlete."

"Our brother plays basketball." Ellie nodded as she continued to read whilst Grace carried on writing. "But if you're asking if I'm a nerd, no I consider myself much more evolved than having just one stereotypical label. We're cheerleaders and the choreographers, we're also trained in ballet and yes, we are both, straight A students."

"Impressive," McLeod nodded. "I like powerful women. We might just get along."

"That depends."

"On whether or not I close this house?" She asked.

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