Chapter 59

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Casey closed the door behind him once they were in his office. Grace sighed, crossed her arms and looked at him, with a bit more attitude than he liked. He lets Grace speak, putting his hands on to his hips and raising his eyebrows at her for moment before settling into his typical brooding frown in his office.

"I know what you're going to say." Grace says. "And I don't want the speech."

"Grace," She recognized that tone and knew where the conversation was going to go. She rolled her eyes looking away to not let him see . His frown deepened further. "Hey, look at me." Casey said sternly, reaching out and placing his hand under her chin. His thumb gentle grazed the side of her cheek. "When I think of Tyler, I think about showing up to the police station and seeing you with stitches right here and bruises."

"Dad," She says quietly which makes him feel love in his heart "He's different." Grace says.

"That's what they all say, Grace." Casey says as he let her go. "And maybe he has changed, but how long until that side of him comes out again? What if it's worse the next time? I'm not going to let some little punk ruin your life."

"I took the pills too." She said quietly. "If you don't think he could change, then you must think I'm going to do it again too."

"It's not the same thing, Grace. I know you think it is, but you were not violent, you didn't hurt anyone."

"I hurt you, Elle and Jake." Grace said. "Gabby, Christie, Kelly, Antonio, Lindsay and basically everyone in this house and at the station. I let everyone down and I worried them all. I did hurt people, maybe not physically, but I still hurt them." Grace says.

"Gracie," Casey shook his head.

"No, Daddy, please just listen to me." Grace said sounding like a child. "I know that this is more about my parents than it is about me. I get it, Tyler reminds you of Seth and I remind you of my Mom and you think we're going to head down the same road. But trust me when I say that no one knows what that road looks like better than I do, not even Elle or Jake, and she is the last person I want to end up like, as horrible as that sounds."

"If anything ever happened to you," Casey sighed. "I don't trust Tyler, Grace."

"Kelly said that when he first met Tyler he liked him and he thought he was a good kid." Grace said. "What did you think?" She asks him for his opinion.

"I thought the same." Casey says answering her question.

"And what did you think of Ben?" Grace asks him.

"I like Ben. You know I think he's good for you." Casey answers grace's question.

"Okay, well last weekend Ben got drunk and spent the night treating me like crap in front of his friends. And when I wanted to leave the party, he flipped out on me and we got into a big fight." Grace explains.

"What?" Casey frowned. "The more I hear, the more I don't want you to date."

Grace smiled. "My point is that people change and they make mistakes." She sighed. "Seth and my Mom were abusive and I have no desire to let anyone treat me like a punching bag ever again. I'm not a victim, not anymore. If some guy wants to knock me around he's going to get knocked out."

Casey smiled slightly. "That sounds like Lindsay."

"She taught me how to defend myself, how to feel strong, not weak." Grace explained. "Besides, between you, Kelly, Antonio and all the guys and girls here and there, there is no way Tyler would ever try anything ever again. I know you don't trust him and I get it, but you have to trust me."

"I do, trust you." He said. "But you and Elle are both my little girls, and it's my job to protect you guys."

"I know." She smiled. "So, he asked me to go out on Saturday, on a date. Can I go?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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