Chapter 56

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Grace woke up early that morning. It was hard for her to sleep in a new place. Even though she had her belongings from the house, none of her stuff was unpacked and her new room didn't feel like hers yet. She felt like she was on vacation and all she wanted to do was to go home. They had planned to move for months, but after Shay died, more change was not what they needed.

She headed into the kitchen in pajama bottoms and a hoodie with her hair in a messy bun. "Hi," She mumbled.

"Well, good morning sunshine." Casey grinned at her. "How did you sleep?"

"I didn't." She said as she reached for the coffee.

"Hey, no." Casey frowned. "I don't want you drinking coffee."

"I didn't want to move and that still happened." She said. "So, compromise?"

"Nice try." Casey grinned.

"Worth a shot." She shrugged and grabbed some orange juice out of the fridge.

"Are you really that unhappy about the move?" Casey questioned his oldest niece.

"I don't know. I don't like change." She sighed. "I'm sure I'll get used to it."

"If you unpacked it would probably help." Casey tells her.

"I have a lot of stuff." Grace said. "It's like staring into the abyss."

"That's because your Uncle spoils you." Dawson said, coming into the kitchen with a grin. "The amount of clothes you have is ridiculous even Ellie has too many." Dawson added.

"Don't blame us that aunt Christie shows up with bags of clothes very often" Ellie says coming into the kitchen.

"She likes to buy our love," Jake smirked, coming into the kitchen after Ellie. "And I'm okay with that." Jake answers Dawson.

"Are you ready for your first game tonight?" Dawson asked. "How's your side?"

"It's fine." Jake said. "I'm all good."

"Jake, if it's still sore you shouldn't be playing." She said. "Let me apply some pressure."

"That's a good idea." Casey nodded.

"No, guys, I'm fine." He said.

"Jake," Casey started but was interrupted by the doorbell going off. He sighed, signaling that he'd continue the conversation in a minute.

"Saved by the bell?" Jake grinned at him.

Casey grinned back and went to answer the door for Severide. "Hey, come on in."

"Nice place," He said, walking inside and following Casey to the kitchen. "Hey guys."

"Are you still coming tonight?" Jake asked him, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, I'll be there."

"But you won't be there unless you let me check your ribs." Dawson said like a strict mother to Jake.

"What's going on?" Severide asked, looking between the two.

"Jake has been motocross racing all summer." Dawson announced. "He crashed last weekend and bruised his ribs."

"I didn't know you were doing that," He said.
"Oh, none of us knew."

"He lied about it" Dawson said.

"Oh my God, will you let it go?" Jake said in frustration, rolling his eyes.

"Hey," Casey said with a frown.

"I'm tired of her constantly bringing it up." He said. "This is exactly why I didn't tell you."

"And that's the problem Jake." She argued. "You don't get to keep things from us, especially when you know we wouldn't approve."

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