Chapter 6

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Casey was making breakfast as the triplets got ready for their first day of school. He sipped his coffee as he cooked the eggs and waited for them to make their way downstairs. Jake and Ellie came down together. Grace looked pretty wearing a white crop top with blue jeans and white trainers and light make up. Jake looked simple with jeans on and a zip up navy sweater over a white t-shirt. He sat down at the table and sighed heavily, catching Casey's attention. Elle put your hoodie over please." Casey told his youngest triplet niece.

"Yeah I know uncle Matt it's with my bag by the door don't worry I will be wearing it.

"Can't I just wait until my arm is better before I go back to school?" Jake said.

"Sorry bud, but you can't miss that much school." He said throwing Jake a look of sympathy over his shoulder as he continued to cook.

"No one is going to want to be friends with the gimp kid."

Casey turned around and frowned. "You're not a gimp. Besides, girls love injured guys, show them your scars."

"I don't think they'll be impressed with my injury from a car accident because my alcoholic mother couldn't stay sober."

"They don't know you, Jake." Casey said as he handed him some eggs and toast. "You don't have to tell them your life story."

"Are you saying we can make it up?" Grace walked into the kitchen wearing a skimpy sun dress and a little too much makeup.

"Oh no," Casey pointed to the stairs. "Go change."

Grace rolled her eyes and grabbed some orange juice. "Uncle Matt this is how people dress in the twenty-first century."

"Not my niece." He shook his head. "Put a sweater on or change into jeans. And take some of the makeup off."

"Uncle Matt – "

"Grace. Upstairs. Now."

She sighed dramatically and reluctantly stomped back up the stairs. "Does she always dress like that?"

"No," Jake and Ellie said at the same time with confusion before it dawned on them. "Oh, she's testing you." Jake said

"Testing me?" Casey raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, to see if you care" Ellie says.

"Well I do care," He eyed Jake and Ellie. "You know that right?"

"Well yeah," Jake and Ellie gestured around him. "We aren't in a foster home so I'd say you care."

Casey sat down with Jake and Ellie, they started to eat. Grace reappeared a few minutes later without the eye shadow, eyeliner or lip stick and a cardigan over the dress. Casey gave her a nod and smiled at her to which his surprise, she returned. They were running a bit late so they ate quickly and in silence. Casey cleared the table as they grabbed their lunches and their bags and headed out to the truck. Casey grabbed his jacket, locked the door and climbed into the truck.

He made his way to the school, wondering if he should make some sort of first day speech to them. Tell them to be themselves, people will like them and not to worry. They were quiet, they weren't even fighting over the radio and he figured it was because they were nervous. He pulled up to the school and turned to them.

"You'll be fine," He reassured, deciding against a big speech. "Stick together and don't get into any trouble. If I can't pick you up, take the bus to the firehouse."

They nodded and climbed out of the truck. Casey watched them go for a few minutes until they disappeared inside. He made his way to work and hoped they'd be okay. He walked into the firehouse to find Dawson climbing out of the back of the ambulance. He waited for her by the door and they walked together up to the kitchen.

Matt Casey's nieces and nephew Where stories live. Discover now