Chapter 27

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"How are you feeling Ellie?" The doctor asked her early Monday morning.

"I feel great." She responded quickly.

"Any pain or discomfort? Nausea, headaches, any of that?"

"Nope." Ellie said.

"Elle." Casey said with his arms crossed as he stood beside the bed she was sitting on.

"Fine." Ellie sighed and rolled her eyes. "I was in pain for the first few days and really tired, but I started to feel better a lot better yesterday. I'm still a little sore but nothing major. It kind of feels like I did an ab work out."

The female doctor grinned at her and nodded. "Okay, that's quite normal."

"So I can go back to school?"

"I usually recommend a full week off but if you are feeling up to it and you take it easy, I don't see a problem with it." He said as he turned to Casey. "As long as you agree, of course."

Casey hesitated. "I don't want her to overdue it."

"There's no infection and the incisions are healing well. If she's not in pain and hasn't experienced any nausea or dizziness, my opinion is that she'll be fine." He said before looking to Ellie. "If you do go back to school and it's too much discomfort, go home and rest."

Ellie nodded. "Okay."

Casey watched his niece and knew she wasn't going to mention anything so he stepped in. "What about physical activity? She's a cheerleader, one that flips in the air and all that."

"That, you can't do just yet." She said.
"But I feel fine." Ellie argued.

"You winced when I applied pressure, that's normal, but you won't be able to withstand being thrown in the air or caught, or summersaults, or flips or anything else like that for a while."

"How long is awhile?"

"Well, your stitches don't come out until next week, how about we re-evaluate then."

"Are you saying you don't know?" Ellie sighed.
"It's fine Elle." Casey said with a sad smile.

"Anywhere from four to six weeks for strenuous activity."

"Six weeks!" Ellie shrieked. "I can't miss that much time. I'll lose my spot on the squad."

"I'm sorry Ellie, but it is very important that you let your body heal." the doctor says. "I'll see you next week."

Ellie and Casey left the office and headed for the truck. As Casey drove home he watched her fuming and disappointed in the passenger seat. It was still early, he was on shift today and he had to schedule the appointment early enough so that he still had time to get them all to school and to work. The high school started and ended early than the elementary school but it was still rushed in the morning.

"Are you going to school today?" Casey asked as he pulled into the driveway.

"Yeah, I need out of the house." She sighed as she got out of the car. "I have to change."

"You have twenty minutes." He said as they walked into the house.

Casey went into the kitchen to find Grace, Jake, Griffin and Ben eating breakfast. He nodded at Jake and Grace, a silent thank you for getting them ready and making breakfast. He started to make their lunches and realized that he really needed to do this the night before now that he had four kids to pack for.

Jake began to clean up as Casey helped Ben get ready. "I think you've outgrown these sneakers." Casey said as Griffin kicked his bag across the living room. "Griffin don't kick your bag you'll smash your lunch."

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