Chapter 38

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Casey had a doctor's appointment and couldn't pick Grace up for an hour. He didn't say it, but Grace knew he didn't trust her to go home and stay there. He was upset with her, she knew that and she knew he had the right to be. So he called Severide, he was there teaching a class anyway and he could keep an eye on her.

Grace was waiting downstairs for him. Mills had left but she wished he would have stayed. Severide was different than Casey and the rest of them when it came to stepping into that parenting role. Casey was firm but understanding and easy to talk to because he really listened, Dawson was nurturing, Shay was funny and Mills was the older sibling type. But Severide was the most intimidating. He wasn't as understanding and he didn't joke around. When you disappointed him, you knew it and he made sure you knew it.

Severide came through the door and Grace went to meet him.


He raised his eyebrows. "You take off for half the day and all you say is hi?"

"I told Matt I was okay." She defended.

"Yeah, a text message that you needed to clear your head solved everything." He scoffed. "Look, I get it, sometimes you just need the day off but you can't just disappear."

Grace sighed and couldn't help but roll her eyes.
"I know."

"Don't get an attitude with me, little girl."

"You have no idea how frustrating this is!"

"Then explain it to me." He said with arms out stretched, feeling equally frustrated.

"I can't!" She yelled, angry that she was getting emotional.

Severide sighed as he put his hands on his hips. "I have a class to teach. If you aren't going to talk to me you can sit there and think about how you are going to explain what's going on with you because I want an answer and so does everyone else."

Grace followed Severide through the halls and outside to where his class was waiting. As soon as Dawson saw Grace she headed over to her with a look that was mixed between relief and anger. Severide stepped between them as the other instructor called the candidates to form their lines.

"Where were you?" She demanded.

"Dawson back with your class." Severide interrupted.


"Instructor Severide," He corrected.

Dawson shot him a look that Grace had never seen on her face before. "Give it a rest, Kelly. Whatever power trip you're on with this job I have had it. You're not going to order me around when it comes to my family. I have spent the entire morning worrying about her after a sleepless night worrying about her. Do not push me."

"Dawson when you're in my class, you're my student. The personals get checked at the door." He said. "She's fine. You can talk to her after class at home."

Dawson glared one more time at him before she went to stand with the group. Grace looked at Severide and he just shook his head, silently telling her not to worry. She stood and listened as Severide and the other instructor explained the drill. She watched as they went through the drill and the instructors began recording their results. When they finished the round they could take a break and wait until everyone had finished. Grace was glad that Dawson was one of the last ones to go so that she didn't have to talk to her just yet.

"So, are you the reason Severide gives Dawson special treatment." The only other female firefighter approached Grace and asked, smirking as she tried to pass it off as a joke.
Grace frowned. "Is that your way of asking me if I'm their love child?"

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