Chapter 51

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Casey knocked on Grace's door that morning before letting himself in to her room. She was still sleeping but she half woke up when he called her name and opened the door, letting the light from the hallway flooded into her room. She took a breath and sat up slightly, propping herself on her elbow and struggling to open her eyes.

"Hey," He whispered as he kneeled in front of her. "We're about to leave for the airport."

"Okay," She mumbled.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?"

"I have no desire to return to L.A." She was more awake now. "Besides, me and Ellie think Jake needs some time with just you in his own getting some attention."

Casey smirked. "You two will be okay by yourself? Gabby will be on shift, so will everyone else, so if you guys need something"

"Call Christie." Ellie finished as she walked into the room sitting on Grace's bed next to her.

"Uncle Matt, we know. We're sixteen. We can stay home by ourselves for a few days. We will be absolutely fine."

"Alright," He sighed. "No parties or boys in the house while I'm gone. Rachel and Claire can stay over but only them. And I don't want to hear you were out all night or something. Got it?"

"And Elle Alex can stay but you know ... what I mean" he said making Grace laugh

"Uncle Matt they've not had sex come on don't be hysterical" she said but Elle just nodded "I know uncle Matt we won't don't" Ellie says.Even though she's keeping the biggest secret against her family.

"Yeah," She yawned. "We got it."

"Love you." He kissed their heads as he stood up.

"Love you too." Grace said as she rolled over, trying to go back to sleep then Ellie does the same in her own room next door room.

Casey left her room, closing the door quietly behind him as he headed downstairs. He had a bad feeling about leaving the girls alone but he couldn't figure out if it was a parent intuition that they were going to throw a party or something, or guilt of not taking them with him and Jake. He tried to shake the feeling as he left he house with Jake and headed to the airport.

It was an early flight and Jake slept for most of it. When they arrived in L.A. they dropped their bags off at the hotel before going to get lunch. They stopped at one of Jake's favourite restaurant's that they always ended up going to every time Casey visited. It was a family owned restaurant by two brothers. They had all kinds of food by their clubhouse sandwiches and burgers were amazing.

"Did you get the information from your Coach about UCLA?" Casey asked as they waited for their food.

Jake nodded. "Yes, I emailed the athletic director so he knows we're coming."

Casey frowned as he watched him. "What's wrong, Jake?"

"I want to be normal for once, you know? Normal family and childhood and all that." He said. "I told the director I was coming with my Dad. I don't want to explain my life story anymore. I've lived with you for two years, we have the same last name and you've legally adopted us. So, why does he, or anymore else, have to know the truth?"

"They don't have to know anything you don't want to tell them."

"I just didn't want to blind side you if he said something."

"It's fine, Jake. I don't correct people when they assume you're my son because to me, you are."

"Like with Principal Smith and half my teachers." Jake grinned. "I kind of wish I never told anyone about my parents."

Matt Casey's nieces and nephew Where stories live. Discover now