Chapter 40

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A/N:Hi This chapter is all about Grace. The next chapter after this one will be about Jake and Ellie. Xxx

Grace came down the stairs early Friday morning, ready before Casey, Ellie. and Jake. She was wearing skinny jeans with brown combat boots and a burgundy long sleeve top with a brown leather jacket. She touched up her naturally wavy hair, adding a few more waves, and her makeup was light. She was carrying a large black purse that she put on the table with her jacket.

"Do I need to bring anything?" Grace asked
Dawson who was making breakfast.

"I'd probably bring some homework or a book," Dawson said. "If they get a call you might have to stay at the station."

"Good idea," Grace nodded. "Be right back."

Grace left the kitchen just as Casey was walking in. He looked at her and then frowned turning to Dawson. "Did you notice that?"

"Grace dressing like Lindsay?" Dawson grinned. "Oh, I noticed."

Casey shook his head as he poured himself a cup of coffee. "This is going to be interesting."

Dawson nodded as they heard a knock on the door. "That's probably Antonio."

Casey made his way to the front door coffee in hand as he opened the door. "Hey Antonio," He greeted, stepping back to let him inside.

"Casey," He nodded, following him into the kitchen where Dawson was making breakfast. "Gabby."

"Want some breakfast?" She asked as she flipped the pancakes.

He shook his head. "No, I'll grab something on the way."

"Are you sure this isn't too dangerous?" Casey asked.

"I'll take care of her, Casey." Antonio reassured.

"I know you will." Casey said. "I trust you but I can't help but worry about Grace."

"Look, I get it. She's one your little girls, I have one too." He said. "My job can be dangerous but I won't let anything happen to her."

Casey nodded at him before Dawson interrupted. "One more thing, do you know a detective Scott James?"

"Yeah," Antonio nodded. "Why?"

Dawson exchanged a glance with Casey before responding. "His son is Grace's ex-boyfriend and he's in the class so he will be with his Dad today at work. The last time Grace saw Tyler he hurt her."

"He works at another station. I rarely ever run into him so there should be no teenage drama."

"No, Antonio," Dawson shook her head. "I mean he physically hurt her."

Antonio frowned. "Are you serious? What happened?"

"He grabbed her and wouldn't let go of her arm. If Lindsay hadn't come along," Casey shook his head, clenching his jaw. "I do not want that kid anywhere near her."

"I can make sure of that," Antonio said as Grace came back into the kitchen. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," She smiled. "I think so anyway."

"Do you have workout clothes in there?" He asked. "We hit the gym before shift."

"Your gym bag is at the front door." Dawson said as she handed Grace her lunch.

"Thanks," Grace nodded as she put it in her bag.
"Be good." Casey said as he kissed her head.
"You hear me?"

"I will, Uncle Matt." Grace said as she left with Antonio, grabbing her gym bag on the way out of the house.

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