Chapter 35

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A/N: Sorry I've been really busy with work these few weeks. This chapter is all about Jake hope you enjoy. XX

Jake jumped out of Nick's truck to join the rest of his team later that night. They grabbed the supplies out of the back and headed towards the gym doors. Jake was supposed to stay in tonight, but it was Friday night and Severide was at work and couldn't force him to stay home. He wanted a night out with the guys and he wanted to distract himself from recent events.

"No lights and be as quiet as possible." Tyler said.

"Is this really a good idea?" Mark asked as he looked around the dark school yard. "What if we get caught?"

"Our school is too cheap for a security system."
Jake said. "Too cheap for security guards too."

"They want to send us a message, we'll send them one." Nick nodded to Tyler who cut the chains and lock off the gym doors.

The team headed inside and began trashing the gym. They were smart about it, they didn't break anything and they didn't leave anything that wasn't easy to clean up, but they still made a giant mess. They started with teepeeing the gym, throwing toilet paper over the floor, the nets and the bleachers. They sprayed silly screen and shaving cream all over the stands and the walls of the gym.

One player's family owned a packing business and he brought bags and bags of packing peanuts which they littered the floor of the gym with. They filled cups with water and stacked them on the bleachers in rows. And when they were done, they covered the gym door in newspaper and spray painted "SENIOR PRANK" on it.

They left the gym and headed back to their cars.
They felt accomplished and clever, thinking they had covered their tracks. They spent the rest of the night at Nick's house. His parents were out of town and he decided to throw a party for the team and the cheerleaders.

Jake drank too much that night. He tried to further distract himself, tried to silence the voices in his head and tried to forget what was going on. He was surprised that Ellie and Grace showed up, even more surprised when he saw a drink in their hands but he figured Tyler convinced Grace but didn't know why Elle was drinking.

"Does Kelly know you're here?" Jake asked them.

"Does he know you're here?" Grace countered. "We're not the one that was told to stay in."

Jake smirked. "So, that's a no. Let me guess, he thinks you're out with Tyler and Severide knows Ellie is out with Alex."

"I am out with Tyler and Elle is out with Alex." Grace said with a smile before a frown crept into her face. "How much have you had to drink?"

"You're not my mother Grace." Jake snapped and walked away from them.

That was the last thing Jake remembered of that night. He woke up to his phone ringing in one of the spare bedrooms in Nick's house with Rachel next to him. His head was pounding and his mouth was dry. It took him a moment to find his phone and he debated answering it.

"Hello," He reluctantly answered.

"Where are you?" Severide asked in a firm tone.

"I don't know," Jake looked around. "Nick's house I think."

"I'll be there in ten minutes and you better be outside waiting for me."

Jake hung up the phone and stared at the wall as he sat in the bed. "Who was that?" Rachel mumbled.

"Kelly." Jake sighed as he got out of bed. "He's coming to pick me up."

"I can drive you." She sat up and yawned before climbing out of the bed and gathering up her clothes.

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