Chapter 29

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Part 2 of 2

"Acting very father like back there." Dawson said with a smirk as she waited with Casey on the sidewalk. "Severide was too."

Casey grinned. "He is worse than me."

"When it comes to Grace and Elle, yeah." Dawson nodded. "But I think all the guys in the house feel that way."

"How cute was Elle and Alex together they are so happy and I don't ever worry about her except when people are against LGBTQ."

"Yeah she looked really pretty today both and she has the help of all the firehouse Pd and Med's support but not the whole world you'll have to be there for her as much as possible if things like that happen."

"Yeah I think about that when Grace said there's more to Elle than I know I wondered if it was Elle's   Story of being gay if her mom and dad supported her for that."

"You know, in my mind Grace and Elle are always going to be those little girls that need me."

"They'll always need you." Dawson said.

"Besides how is Grace's costume any more revealing than her cheerleading outfit?"

Casey shook his head. "Don't even get me started on that."

Dawson laughed as Griffin, Ben and their friends came running back from the door. They simply smiled before running to the next house. "Boys, walk." Casey yelled after them as they almost ran right into another group of kids. "The candy will still be there."

"Not the good kind!" Griffin yelled back as he slowed down.

Casey grinned and turned back to Dawson. "I want them back at that age."

"Unless you invent a time machine, that isn't going to happen." She said as she linked arms with him. "You're just going to have to get used to the idea that they are becoming adults and one day there will be those kinds of kids again just your grandchildren."

"Please don't I just got to become a dad." he said making Dawson smile.


"I can't believe we got in!" Grace squealed in Claire's ear, careful to make sure only she heard.

The sports bar transformed into a night club for the night with neon and strobe lights, fog, zombie waitress' and bartenders and decorations everywhere. It moved out all its tables to create one giant dance floor that was packed with people dressed in different costumes. As Grace looked around she noticed that they weren't the only high school kids there. There were a lot of students from her school that she recognized and the whole cheer squad and basketball team was there as planned. Either the bouncers weren't very good at checking IDs or they didn't care.

The girls dragged the guys out to the dance floor. Grace never really let herself relax and have fun but she decided to that night. There was something about the music and the lights and dancing so close with her boyfriend. In a room full of people she felt like it was just them and she let herself get lost in the music.

"Do you want a drink?" Tyler leaned down and said into Grace's ear after they had been dancing for a while.

"I thought we weren't drinking?" She said. "You have a game tomorrow."

"Come on Grace, we're here. Have a few."

Jake saw Grace stop dancing and stepped in. "What's wrong?"

"I thought we weren't drinking." She repeated.
Jake looked to Tyler and shrugged. "You don't have to." He leaned down to Grace. "Don't be his mother. If he wants to drink, let him."

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