Chapter 11

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Ellie, Grace and Jake climbed out of Nick's car at the firehouse at the end of the day. He offered to drop them off after practise as he was driving Claire home and her house wasn't far from there. Grace noticed Casey talking to a familiar looking woman, but couldn't place her. Grace could tell Jake noticed too and she was surprised to see Jake frowning a bit. Grace brushed it off and ran up to Casey.

"Hey guys," He said as they both approached. "Heather you remember my nieces Ellie and Grace and nephew Jake."

"I do," She nodded with a smile. "But the triplets I remember were a lot younger. You're all grown up."

Grace and Ellie briefly returned the smile. "Yeah that happens. Look!" She said waving her test paper in front of Casey. "I got a 96 on my math test!"

"Wow, good job." Casey said looking over the paper before turning to Jake. "What did you guys get?"

"I did okay." Ellie says keeping her great grade a secret.

"I didn't get mine back."

Casey just looked at him, not believing it. "You're in the same class. Come on, out with it." Jake hesitated before handing over the paper. Casey eyed him, expecting the worst and sighed as he opened the paper. He looked at it and shook his head, a smile spreading across his face. "An 82?"

"Got you, didn't I?" Jake grinned.

"Yeah buddy you did." Casey laughed. "That's amazing, nice work."

"Uhm, hello?" Grace said. "I got a 96."

"Yeah but that's you." Jake emphasised the word 'you'. "You always get good grades, I don't so this is huge. Stop trying to steal my moment." He joked, but she didn't find it funny.

Grace rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Maybe you should thank Shay for helping you."

Casey nodded as he handed the test back to Jake. "That's a good idea."

"I will." He said before turning to Heather. "Nice seeing you Heather, I was sorry to hear about Andy. He was always one of my favorites when I was a kid, he made visiting here real fun."

Grace, Ellie and Casey frowned, surprised to hear Jake being so sympathetic. Andy did get along well with Jake when he was younger, but Casey never told Jake what happened or talked to him about it. He figured Severide must have said something to him or maybe Jake had asked.

Heather nodded, smiling a little. "Thank you." She watched the triplets head inside before looking at Casey. "I take it they aren't just visiting this time?"

"No," Casey shook his head. "It's a long story, but they're living with me right now. My sister has some problems she's working on and their Dad is God knows where."

"Well at least they have you." She smiled. "I'll see you at the banquet?"

"Yeah, I'll call you." He nodded with a smile.

Casey walked into the kitchen a few steps behind the triplets and watched as Jake approached Shay. "Check it out, look who's smart!" He said, dropping the paper on the table in front of her.

"An 82? That's great!" She exclaimed. "I knew you could do it."

"Yeah, yeah, school is important, good job and all that." Severide interrupted. "What about basketball?"

"Yeah," Casey joined in. "Did you make the team?"

Jake slowly shrugged before grinning. "New shooting guard!"

"Atta boy!" Severide yelled, messing up his hair. "I knew you could do it."

"Yeah thanks to you and your help. There was no way I was going to get my shoulder healed or back in shape in time on my own." He turned to Shay. "And there was no way I could have got an 82 by myself. I have to get good grades or I don't play so I may need your help again."

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