Chapter 39

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Ellie and Grace barged into Jake's room, Ellie stands whilst Grace flops down on his bed on her back and sighing heavily. Jake was sitting at his desk doing homework on his computer when she walked in. He turned in his desk chair and looked at them as she was watching the ceiling. He closed his computer and turned fully around in the chair.

"What's wrong?" He said.

"Tyler and Kayla are back together." Grace said.
"I hate my life."

Jake smirked. "Little dramatic, don't you think?"

"Seriously," Grace said as she turned her head to look at him. "He broke up with me because I couldn't trust him with her. Obviously I was right."

"I think Tyler is just one of those guys, Grace." Elle said. "He's always going to go back to that one ex-girlfriend."

"I don't get how you can do that." Grace said. "We were together for a year. We broke up once for a month but that was it. How can you just throw it all away and immediately move on?"

Jake shrugged. "I doubt he moved on completely. But we're guys; we don't like to show that we actually have feelings."

"I don't know," She sighed. "It makes me feel like he never cared and our relationship meant nothing to him."

"I'm sure he cared Grace," Jake said. "But maybe he felt like you were drifting a part."

"Did he say something?" Grace frowned at her brother.

"Maybe," Jake nodded. "He just said that after you got back together it was never the same. You didn't connect like you used to."

"I can't believe he said that!" Grace yelled, sitting up in the bed. "We had sex. How much more connected could we be?"

"Wow, I did not need to hear that." Jake shook his head.

"Oh, like you didn't know." Grace rolled her eyes. "So, apparently sleeping together meant nothing to him, that's just great."

Ellie went to her room to start her homework. Whilst Grace stormed out of his room and into the bathroom, slamming the bathroom door shut. Jake sighed, taking a few moments to himself before getting up and following his sister. Even with Dawson in the house and having a solid family unit, Jake still always looked out for Ellie and Grace. He may only be a few minutes older but he always acted like an older brother. He was about to knock on the door when the power suddenly went out.

Jake frowned as Grace opened the door and almost walked into him. "What happened?"

"I don't know," He said, walking back to his room and looking out the window. "But we're not the only ones without power."

"Hey is power out? " Ellie says as she comes out of her room.

"Yeah think so." Jake said

Jake immediately went down the stairs and locked the doors. He waited with Ellie and Grace in the living room for a few minutes to see if the power would come back on. They could hear people in the streets, yelling and running around. It didn't take very long for the heat to die down in the house. It was the middle of winter and with no power, they had no way of reheating the house.

Jake was contemplating what to do when he heard voices and footsteps on the front porch. He stepped in front of his sisters momentarily, before grabbing them and pulling them into the hall closet. He motioned for them to be quiet as he picked up the bat that they kept inside.

Grace jumped when there was a sudden loud knocking on the door followed by muffled voices and laughter. The frown on Jake's face deepened as he tried to figure out what was going on and what he was going to do if people broke in. The twins seemed to hold their breath when they heard the door creak open.
"Jake, Grace," Casey called out once he stepped inside, other members of truck flooding in after him.

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