Chapter 43

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A/N: The time frame and events in this chapter are a little jumpy. Just go with it

Ellie and Grace were headed downstairs early that morning when they heard their uncle and Dawson arguing. They stopped and waited on the stairs, not wanting to interrupt and a little curious to hear their conversation. Jake almost ran into them on his way down, Grace motioned for him to be quiet and he listened with his sisters.

Dawson was leaving that morning for a girls weekend with Shay. The triplets only caught the tail end of their argument but knew it had something to do with Jones and her Dad. But then the conversation took a turn.

"I'm just saying it's been two months," They heard their uncle say. "It shouldn't take this long and it shouldn't be this hard."

"What are you saying?" Dawson asked.

"Maybe we should stop looking," He said and Ellie didn't know what to do but Grace felt her heart sink a little as she looked to Jake and Ellie who were wearing a deep, concerned frown.

Dawson left quickly and if Grace hadn't already said goodbye before Dawson went downstairs earlier that morning, her leaving would have felt a lot more final.

"Okay," Casey called. "You can come out now."

Grace hesitated for a moment before coming around the corner with Ellie and Jake. The girls both gave him an innocent smile and Jake shrugged under his gaze. "We didn't want to interrupt."

"So you eavesdropped?" He asked with raised brows. "What did you hear?"

"She's coming back right?" Grace said.

"Yes, Gracie," Casey frowned. "Of course she is."

"So," Jake said, trying to change the subject.

"Since you're working on parent-teacher conference day, does that mean you aren't meeting with our teachers?"

"No, I'll be there, I'll just be on call." Casey frowned at his nephew. "And I'm going to hear nothing but good things, right?"

"Yes sir." Jake nodded as he grabbed his bag. "I'll be in the car."

Casey watched him leave before turning to Grace. "What was that about?"

Grace shrugged as she followed Jake out of the house. "I have no idea." She climbed into the middle seat of the truck as Jake held the door open. "Thank you."

"Elle your all good aren't you well behaved I know you got good grades all good" Casey asks the youngest triplet.

"Yes uncle matt I'm great" Ellie said with a smile then just about to walk away. "Hey Elle you would tell me when your struggling wouldn't you?"

"Course I would I'm gonna go in the car and wait for you."

"He's going to be blindsided when he finds out his golden child is failing Spanish." Jake said as he closed the door.

"I know." Grace groaned. "I have to get an A on the midterm Monday in order to bring my grade up to a B before the interview on Wednesday."

"And hope that she doesn't tell him you had a D before the midterm."

"I'm so screwed." Grace said, throwing her head back.

"You know we live with someone who is fluent in Spanish right?" Jake said. "Why didn't you ask Gabby for help?"

"Because then I would have had to tell Uncle Matt that I didn't do my homework and failed the first test."

"Well, then I guess it's a good thing you have co-op today." Ellie said under her breath before Casey climbed into the driver's seat.

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