Chapter 36

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A/N: I'm getting a requests for Grace and Ellie. This chapter is all about how they dealt with Casey's accident. I'll address it in this chapter and the next but it will be more of an after effect on them. Both the girls character is good in storm, so she can stay solid and strong but then kind of falls apart after. So I won't do a chapter of her when Casey was in the hospital because technically her character was holding her own then. Hope that makes sense!

Casey and Dawson eating out – Grace and Ellie need a ride home so they call Mills.

Dawson afraid Casey will lose his temper on the triplets – Casey afraid of that too

Jake walked into the firehouse that afternoon after practise. A few guys from Squad were playing cards at the table in the garage and a few others seemed to be checking stock on the trucks. Jake didn't want Casey but he made eye contact with Severide who seemed to frown at the annoyed look Jake had on his face.

"What happened?" He asked with a smirk before looking around. "Where's Elle and Grace?"

"In the car." Jake said. "Grace is in a mood and won't get out because she hates the male population right now and Elle is in the car trying to get Grace to get out."

Severide nodded slowly. "So, her and Tyler had a fight?"

"Of course her and Tyler had a fight." Jake scoffed. "They have no in-between. They act like  an old, boring married couple or they fight. And me and Ellie had to listen to it the whole ride here and how I should do something because I'm her brother and Tyler is a jerk."

"Older brother duties," Severide grinned. "You've supported Elle why not Grace just should do something when it's warranted."

"It's not, she overacted as usual and Elle's easy to help as she doesn't go mad." Jake said. "And I'm only seven minutes older than Grace. Mills has big brother duty."

Mill smirked. "If he hurts her I will gladly do something."

"Hi Kelly

"Hi Elle, what exactly happened with Grace ?" Severide asked directly.

"Grace flipped out on Tyler for being lab partners with Kayla, who Grace hates because she gets around and she sort of got with Tyler before Grace and in the summer when they broke up." Ellie explained and Jake nods to agree. "So then Tyler got mad because Grace won't trust him. And it turned into some big fight and they're both ignoring each other."

"Yeah," Severide shook his head. "Not going near that one."

"Neither are we. " Jake nodded. "Is Dawson here?"

"No, but Shay is." Severide suggested. "She could help."

"Shay could help with what?" She asked when she heard her name.

"Grace's boy drama." Elle said. "She won't get out of the car because her and Tyler had a fight and now she hates men. Which
Is why I date Alexandra"

"Oh sure I'll help, and Elle your right baby." Shay grinned and turned to her new partner. "Since I'm a lesbian, I hate men too."

Elle and the guys smirked and Jake handed Shay the keys. She quickly left the garage and walked towards the car, climbing into the driver's seat. "So I heard you hate men. I have a solution to your problem."

Grace sniffled. "What's that?"

"Switch teams." Shay said simply. "It's way more fun over here."

Grace looked at Shay for a moment and then started laughing. "If only it were that easy."

"Surprisingly not as much drama as you would think." Shay shrugged. "So, do you want to talk about it, or sit out here alone, or come inside and watch all the guys scramble around you trying not to make you snap? Because that last one is really fun."

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