Chapter 49

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A/N: I know some of you have asked for some Ellie and Jake storylines and I agree that it's time for Ellie and Jake to get some attention. It may not be what you had in mind but hopefully you like it. Enjoy & Contact me.

Jake was doing his homework at the dining room table hi when the doorbell rang.  Ellie was upstairs doing homework/ reading in her room. Casey had taken Grace out to dinner. He was making an effort to spend time with her one on one once a week to check in on her. Dawson was upstairs putting laundry away and yelled for Jake to answer it.

When he opened the door she was the last person he was expecting to see. For a moment they just stared at each other. Jake was shocked and surprised and she was nervous, but she let a smile slip out at seeing him and it broke Jake was his trance.

"Mandy," He said. "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"I came for the weekend to tour the University of Chicago." She explained. "I'd never forgive myself if I didn't stop by and see you."

"Do you want to come in?"

"Yeah," She nodded. "Sure."

Jake stepped back and let her into the house. He hadn't seen Mandy since the day before he left LA, almost two years ago. They had been dating on and off for almost a year when she broke up with him. He probably wouldn't have left LA if they had stayed together.

Jake's ex girlfriend isn't the nicest person to the rest of the family while Jake was in a relationship with her. She made fun of the girls towards Ellie the worst who got effected by Mandy's bad behaviour.

Mandy broke his heart, but Jake never talked about her. It was too painful and it was just easier to forget about her. The hurt he felt from their breakup fueled his decision to leave LA. They had only talked once since the breakup. She had called when she heard he left and he told her he was staying in Chicago.

"So, how are you?" She asked, sitting down on the couch with him. "How's Chicago?"

"I'm good and I love it here, things are good for me." He nodded. "You?"

"Great." She said. "I'm touring some Ivy League schools and looking into their pre-med programs. Chicago is my safety school. Are you looking at colleges?"

"Yeah, I'm playing basketball now and Duke and UCLA have invited me to tour their campuses." He said. "But I'd rather go to Notre Dame."

"Still Notre Dame?" She grinned. "I guess some things never change."

"I think it's just about the only thing about me that hasn't changed."

"I've noticed." She nodded to the table. "Doing homework, playing basketball , long term girlfriend, you have definitely changed."

"I'd like to think it's for the better."

"I never said it was a bad thing." She said. "You were wild back then and I swear you never cared about anyone except your sister."

"And you." He added as their gazes locked.

She was about to respond when she was interrupted by her phone. "I have to get back to the hotel. My mom is waiting for me." She explained and Jake walked her to the door. She paused, hearing a voice she hasn't herd since breaking up with Jake.

"Hey Jake who was at the door oh my..."
Elle said making her feel sick in her stomach.

Mandy turned to see the girl she bullied in LA. "Ellie hi how are you".

"I'm doing fine thank you. You?"

"I'm so sorry for what I did to you Ellie I really am". Ellie stares at her not believing her.

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