Chapter 21

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Grace stumbled into the house as quietly as possible but of course, you are most loud when you are trying to be quiet. She was trying to navigate the dark rooms and debated what she was going to do. She was deciding between carefully creeping up the stairs, sleeping on the couch or attempting to make food. Thankfully, Ellie and Jake were with her and he had been in this situation more than once.

The triplets had been at a party. Like any other high school party it was full of alcohol, drugs and bad choices. Usually Grace wasn't the party type, but she had changed a lot since moving to Chicago and she wanted to experience high school life. With everything going on in their lives she needed a night to let loose and have fun. They all needed a night like that.

She was drunk, no doubt about it. She had never drank before and she may have gone a little overboard. She was trying to hold it together and not go too far and she was doing well. She didn't get sick, she didn't pass out and she didn't do or say anything she would regret. She just had a few drinks, was feeling good and let herself have some much deserved fun.

The only problem was that they had broken curfew and that they were both drunk however Ellie wasn't. Not to mention Grace and Ellie were pretty sure Jake was high. The twin girls never touched the stuff, they were never interested, but Jake was the more rebellious triplet. Grace was glad that Tyler passed on it too, even though she understood that teenagers experimented. Ellie was talking to Alex most the night who had only one beer making Ellie happy that the boy hadn't had too much to not talk to her and rennet the next morning. As the party carried on all night Alex and Ellie were talking laughing and ended up kisses away from everybody else in a corner which was Ellie's first ever kiss, which made her excited but kept calm not to embarrass herself I front of Alex.

They didn't make it very far down the hall before the kitchen light was turned on. Casey and Severide were sitting at the table and waiting for them. Ellie wasn't sure why they chose to sit in the dark but she figured they were trying to create a dramatic effect. They probably saw them get dropped off and then come up with this plan. Grace tried to stifle a laugh as she watch them both sit at the table, arms crossed and with serious expressions on their faces.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" Casey said.

Grace turned and looked at the clock on the stove. "I believe it is one forty five."

Casey stared at her for a moment before turning to Severide. "Is she drunk?" He asked, his voice beginning to rise. "Is my fifteen year old nieces drunk right now, with an attitude after she broke curfew? Please tell me I am hearing and seeing things."

"If I can say something right now that would be I haven't drank anything all night other than water. I haven't drank or taken drugs. I was mostly watching these two all night. Pointing at her siblings.

"Well you did SNOG Alex in the corner all night nearly" Grace shouted making Casey and Severide to look at the most responsible teenage they know in the world.

"Ellie we will talk about that another day stay where your standing young lady."

"Yes sir." Ellie said politely looking down embarrassed by her uncle Matt.

Severide was staring Jake down. "Jake," He said calmly. "What did you take?"

"What?" Casey snapped his attention to his nephew as Grace smirked and Ellie kept looking at the floor with a little smile.

"What are you laughing about, little girl?" Severide asked.

"I am drunk," She began to giggle. "I don't even care, guys. I'm so drunk, I can barely walk and I'm starving. I had a great night and even if you ground me for life Uncle Matt, I won't care because for a few hours I got to escape all the pain and misery that life just keeps throwing at us. So I'm going to make some food and enjoy this bliss before it wears off, and when it wears off, then you can yell at me."

Matt Casey's nieces and nephew Where stories live. Discover now