Chapter 3

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Casey walked by the windows of Jake's room with Ellie and Grace beside both side of his arms. He noticed the girl's tense up when they saw him and it took everything in him not to do the same. Jake had cuts and bruises all over his face and it was swollen. His arm was in a sling and he was struggling to sit up, the pain clear on his face.

"Oh my God," Grace whispered, tears threatening to fall.

"Girls it's okay," Casey said. "He's okay."

They walked into the room and pulled three chairs up beside his bed. Jake looked up with a smile. "How bad is it?"

"It could have been a lot worse." Casey said. "You'll be fine."

"And mom?"

Casey hesitated and looked from one twin to the other. "She's fine, she'll be released tomorrow morning when you are."

"So that's it?" Jake asked with a growing anger in his voice. "She almost kills us and nothing happens? I'm not going anywhere with her."

"Hey, settle down," Casey said. "She is not taking you anywhere. She's been charged with a DUI and she has to complete a ninety day program when she leaves here. After that, she'll go to court."

"So what about us?" Ellie asked softly.

"Well I guess you're stuck with me." He said with a grin, trying to lighten the mood. "You're temporarily in my custody until she goes to court."

"But she can get us back?" Grace looked at Jake and at Ellie with a worry in her eyes.

"I don't know yet." Casey answered honestly.

Casey left the girls in the room with Jake as he made his way to his sister's room. He didn't particularly want to see her but she was still his sister and she needed him. Besides having some stitches and a few bruises on the side of her face that hit the window, she looked okay. But Casey could see she was a mess and going through withdrawals already.

Christie was standing at the end of her bed with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. Casey had called her and let her know what was going on and he knew she was never going to let Sarah forget this. Christie held grudges, she was stubborn and strong willed and she never liked to see her family hurt. But the fact that she was here, instead of ignoring the situation like she did with their mother, meant she must care on some level.

"How could you do this?" She demanded. "They are your children Sarah! You almost killed them."

"You don't think I know that? You don't think I feel horrible about it?"

"Do you?" She urged. "Or are you happy the police took them away? Now you don't have to deal with them getting in the way of your problems."

"I came here to get help, Christie." She said. "Don't pretend you're some upstanding citizen, you abandoned the family just as much as I did. But at least I still talk to mom and Matt. I tried talking to you too."

"You only call when you need money."

He knocked softly on the door figuring this was a good time to interrupt. He lingered in the door way as they looked over at him. Christie just shook her head but Sarah smiled. "Hi Matt."

"Sarah," he nodded, walking in the room. "Christie."

"Matt," she nodded back. "Have anything to add?"

"Oh plenty I want to add," he said. "But screaming at her isn't going to do anything Christie."

"Unbelievable." She uncrossed her arms. "You're going to side with her after what she just put those kids through?"

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