Chapter 53: Ellie

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Ellie's PoV

I was getting ready for a date with my girlfriend Alexandra looking through my wardrobe. I picked a pink jumper and black jeans with my Black boots, since Chicago has got very cold now.

Uncle Matt calls me down to tell me that Alex is downstairs so I quickly look in the mirror to make sure my hair and makeup looks nice then pick my coat up

As I'm downstairs I put my coat on gave my uncle a kiss on the cheek then get ready to walk out to get in my girlfriends car.

"Hey Elle be home at 9 understand?"

"Yes sir fine with me love you" I said.

"Love you too E" he says.

After leaving the house the two girls drove to a restaurant near the Navy pier. They decided to go for a walk after lunch and find a place to chat.

The girls sat on a nice wooden beach bench in front the water.

"Hey that was a nice restaurant where did you find it?" Alex asks Elle.

"Shay told me a while ago about it. It was really nice food in there we should so go back" I said.

" I deffo agree" Alex says.

"So I do have something to say I told my uncle Matt that I don't get the same appreciation than Jake and Grace. Which I slipped in that I'd like him to meet Your sister what do you think" I ask.

"Yeah that would be nice and I think my sis wants to meet your uncle after all the stories I tell. But I don't think we should bring up the fact we stayed in the house all night alone when my sister was there and what we did that particular night" Alexandra says.

"I agree keep that secret" I said and both the girls started to laugh smiling at each other.

No PoV

After the girls date they went shopping and then Alex drive them back to Ellie's house. They sat in the car kissing then Elle says "I'll see you at school better go in as I bet Uncle Matt is watching" she smiled at her girlfriend giving her one last kiss.

Ellie walked into the house and shouted "hey anyone in the house" but it was silent so she went to the kitchen for some water.

As she sat down looking at her phone where there is a picture:

As she sat down looking at her phone where there is a picture:

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As Ellie was looking at her Phone her phone rang...

Uncle Matt: Hey Elle I'll be home in 10 are you back yet? X"

Ellie: Hey yeah I got back 5 mins ago xx "

Uncle Matt: good see you then can't wait to hear about it.

10 mins later

Lieutenant Casey came home. He walked into the kitchen seeing his youngest Child but most mature child.

"Hey how was the date" he asks

"It was really nice we went to a restaurant Shay took me to once. It does the best food there we had these massive burgers and curly fries. Then we went down to this ice team parlour even though it's so cold in Chicago" she says with a big smile.

"Sounds like you had a great day and we deffo should go to that restaurant as I want big burgers and curly fries" he smiled at his daughter.


It got to the evening when Uncle Matt was going out to dinner with his youngest child and her girlfriend as well as Alex's sister who has brought her sister up.

"Elle you ready?" Matt shouts up to Ellie.

" Yeah I'm on my way down" Ellie shouts.

As Ellie walked down stairs Matt and Gabby ready to go looked up seeing Elle looking well dressed. She was wearing a nice black dressed with white polka dots.

"Elle sweetie you look gorgeous" Gabby says.

"Thanks so do you in that dress" answers back.

"Let's go you to I don't want to be late" Matt says to the girls as he opens the door to leave.


The Casey family walked in to the restaurant ready for a great night.

"Hello sir how May I help?" Says the front of house in the restaurant.

" we are meeting with friends
Miss Reign".

"Yes sir right this way" he said so they followed the man to the table where Alex and Elisabeth Reign were sitting.

"Enjoy" the waiter says then walks away.

Alexandra and Elizabeth stood up to say hi

Elizabeth shakes Matts hand then Gabby's, whilst Alex hugged her girlfriend Ellie. Then as Ellie hugged Elizabeth, Gabby hugged Alex then Matt shocked Alex's hand.

After the greetings all five of them sat down chatting away whilst they looked at the menus.

"So Elizabeth, Ellie told us you're a lawyer that must be very interesting" says Matt.

"Yes it is but, you two are firefighters what's that like?

"We love it but can be difficult for sure".

That night they chat away about work children colleges and life. Then they all went their separate ways home.

Ellie sat in the back of the car listening to Gabby talk to Matt in the front.

"She's lovely person so respectful don't you think?" Gabby says.

"Yeah and for her to bring her little sister up after the parents dying is hard work especially with being a lawyer" Matt says.

"Hey Elle we really like Alex and her sister there great sweetheart" Gabby says.

When Gabby looked back at Elle she realised the reason Ellie wasn't talking was she fell asleep.

Gabby silently mourned to Matt that Elle was asleep. That night Matt picked Ellie up out the car and brought her into bed then got Gabby to deal with helping her to go to sleep.

A/N: This chapter is just a small chapter that is just Ellie as I feel I haven't given her the limelight till now so hope you enjoy it!!!

Love from Lily

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