Chapter 26

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Casey was rushing around the next morning, trying to get everyone ready for school. He was on shift that morning so he had to get himself, the boys and the triplets ready. He thought the triplets were chaotic in the morning, but five kids just about drove him over the edge.

Ellie, Grace and Jake were on a different schedule than Griffin and Ben. The triplets got ready first and then ate breakfast and made lunches. Griffin and Ben were used to eating breakfast and making lunches and then getting ready. Although Casey was always ready before the triplets, now his morning was packed with no time to himself.

Casey was swamped in the kitchen with trying to make breakfast and lunches when Dawson walked through the door. He watched her easily take over and get the boys up and moving.

"Go," She urged. "I'm timing you."

"That was impressive," He grinned. "As hard as teenagers are, they are independent for the most part."

"Speaking of the teenagers," Dawson said. "Where are they?"

"Upstairs, Jake and Grace will fly down here soon. Ellie is still off school so I don't know if she'll get up," He said. "Have you talked to your brother?"

"Yeah," She nodded. "He said Heather has a good chance of getting out since she's a single mother and a first time offender."

Casey was about to respond when arguing began. "Guys," He yelled before turning back to her. "Well let's hope he's right."

Ellie appeared in the kitchen and gave Casey a look with a smirk as she hugged Dawson. "How are feeling?"

"I'm okay." She said. "Still kind of tired and a little sore."

"That's normal," She nodded. "How many incisions do you have?"

"Three," She said. "I have a doctor's appointment Monday. Hopefully he says I can go back to school because I am dying of boredom."

"Most kids would love a week off school." Casey grinned. "Where's Grace and Jake?"

As if on cue, Grace and Jake came into the kitchen. "We're right here."

"Do you want any breakfast?" Casey asked. "Or lunch?"

"I'm having breakfast with Rachel and I'll buy lunch at school." Jake said as he grabbed Grace to hurry up and got their car keys to the car and left the kitchen. They heard the door slam moments later and Casey sighed.

"What's wrong with him?" Dawson asked.

"I don't know," Casey said. "He's upset with the current situation."

Dawson frowned. "He's angry that the boys are here?"

"More like he's angry that Heather did the same thing to Griffin and Ben that our mother did to us." Ellie explained. "But he's taking it out on everyone else since Heather isn't around."

"How do you know that?" Casey frowned.

"He's me and Grace's twin brother." She grinned. "We know him."

Casey only grinned. "Alright, I have to get them to school. The babysitter is going to pick them up from school and unless Heather is released, she'll drop them off later tonight. If you have any problems, call me, okay?"

"Don't worry," She smiled. "I've got it, I'm going to read my new book."

"Okay well do make sure you rest," He said as he grabbed the boys' lunches off the counter. He dropped a kiss to her head as he was leaving the kitchen. "I'll see you tomorrow morning, I love you."

"Love you." She called after him as he met Griffin, Ben and Dawson at the front door.


Casey arrived home next morning expecting chaos but was surprised to find a quiet and tidy house. The boys' school bags were packed and sitting at the door with their shoes and jackets and he could heard them and Ellie was in the kitchen. He couldn't hear or see Jake, but he could hear the shower running.

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