Chapter 5

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Casey walked into the firehouse the next morning with the triplets. It was early and they were tired. He couldn't blame them for not wanting to be there all day but he needed to know they were okay and they weren't doing something they weren't supposed to. They used to love coming to work with him when they were younger, but everything was more exciting when you were young.

Casey went to drop his stuff off in the locker room and the triplets rounded the corner of the kitchen and walked into a room full of overly cheery firefighters. Grace immediately perked up when she saw Mills behind the counter cooking breakfast but Jake wasn't overly enthused. He was still sore from the accident and he just wanted to spend the last few days of summer vacation sleeping. Ellie wasn't very tired as she use to get up early anyway so she just sat down at the sofa next to Mouch and opened a book she had brought from LA.

"Hey guys," Severide gave Grace and Ellie a one armed hug before reaching over and then squeezing Jake's shoulder. He could tell Jake wasn't happy and had an attitude. "How you doing slugger?"

Jake shrugged. "I'd be a whole lot better if I got to stay home."

"Jake," Casey warned as he walked into the room.

"It's not that bad here," he grinned before turning to Grace. "And you, I heard you said I was old."

Grace couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. "Well, if the shoe fits."

"Oh you think you're funny," Severide smirked before lunging at her and throwing her over his shoulder with ease. "Not so old now, am I?"

"Now you're just a bully!" She shrieked with laughter. "Put me down Kelly!"

"No way, I'm going to carry you around all day to prove how young and fit I am."

"Uncle Matt help!" She yelled.

Casey just laughed at her. "You got yourself in this mess sweetheart."

Grace shifted, trying to wiggle free of his hold when she hit her ribs on his shoulder and gasped. "No seriously Kelly, put me down."

He noticed her change of tone and quickly put her down. "You okay?" he asked with concern as she clutched her side. Which made Ellie look up from her book.

"Yeah," Grace smiled through the dwindling pain. "Sore spot."

Casey was immediately by her side. "Are you sure?" He turned to Dawson. "Will you look at her?"

"I'm fine, Uncle Matt." Grace shook her head.

"Just let her look, for me okay?" he pleaded and Grace nodded.

"Come on," Dawson said and led her down the hall to the bathroom. Grace lifted his shirt and Dawson was a little surprised to see the amount of bruising that wrapped around her side. "How bad did that hurt?"

Grace shrugged. "It only hurt for a few seconds."

"This bruising," She paused, noting the colouring as she realized it was on the other side. "Is this from the accident?"

"What?" Grace frowned. "Of course."

"All of it?"

Grace hesitated as she looked at Dawson. "You can't tell Matt. He'll go crazy."

"Grace, what is this from?"

"It was an accident." She shook his head. "He was drunk and he didn't mean to push me that hard."

"Who pushed you?"

"My Dad," She mumbled.

"What did he push you into?"

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