Chapter 55

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Two days before passing of Shay

"Is Kelly out?" Ellie asks Shay.

"Yeah what's going on babe, why does Kelly need to out of the apartment?" Shay asks beginning to worry about Ellie.

"I'm gonna tell you something that you can't tell Kelly or uncle Matt or Gabby okay keep this even Grace and Jake don't know what I'm gonna tell you" Elle says.

"Okay let's get some hot chocolates okay" shay says smiling at Elle who looks down at the fluffy cousin in her hands.

As Leslie Shay puts down two hot chocolates down in front of Ellie and her, Ellie looks at Shay.

"Okay so I did something last week ago Alex  rang me that she was outside it was midnight everybody was asleep Shay. Alex was waiting in her car to take us back to her and her sisters house. That early morning we took a step closer in our relationship. I felt so safe with Alexandra because we love each other and knew that we were safe. I just hope uncle Matt find out about me leaving in the early morning"

"Wow that's so excited E she's amazing I'm so happy for you I remember when it was my first time too" shady says smiling.

"There's something else" Elle says.

"What is it?" Shay asks.

"I got given a few letters from Colleges...

"WHAT ALREADY WOW BABY THATS AMAZING!!!! I'm so proud" shay shouts.

"Where are they from?" Shay asks.

"Harvard medical university, Yale medical University, Colombia medical university and then Johns Hopkins medical university"

"Elle... that's amazing I knew you could do it"

"Shay they are all so expensive there's me, Grace and Jake. I've been contacting the unis to see if I could get a scholarship"

"Yeah your so smart with your 100%"

"I just need to get them all 100% then I could get a scholarship"

"Does Matt or Gabby know thIs" Shay asks her.

"No nobody" Ellie says quietly.

"Wow baby I'm so proud of you you know that" shay said hugging Ellie.

That night after Ellie told Shay all about college Ellie knew one day that Shay would be sitting T the triplets graduation at the end of their high school year. The two blondes sat watching movies eating popcorn and chocolate laughing in to the night.

Two days later

Ellie and Grace headed into the firehouse after school that day. Jake was still at basketball practise so they took their car and said one of them would pick him up later. The house was unusually quiet, the girls were greeted by the guys the same as always, but it just wasn't the same. They headed into the kitchen first and both were happy to see Mills behind the counter making food.

"Well, look whose back." Grace sad whilst Ellie smiled at him.

"Hey," He grinned at the girls. "No cheerleading practise?"

"We weren't feeling very cheery today." Elle said.

"We stayed for the meeting but not the tryouts" Grace tells him.

He nodded. "Do you girls want a snack?"

"No, I'm okay." She shook her head. "Where's Matt?"

"He's in his office." Mills said. "Paperwork."

Ellie went to the toilet whilst Grace nodded, silently thanking him, and headed towards her Uncle. She saw him at his desk, working away with the door closed. She knocked slightly before opening the door and sticking her head in. He looked up briefly to see who was there, but he kept working.

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