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Moon :

Three long years later and I was finally going back home,
Traveling the continents just so I could touch as much lives as I could was my own way of actually forgetting what my own life truly looked like,

it is so easy to smile and laugh so freely before the cameras but behind the scenes I had become a scene on its own, I was a shadow of my own self,

Touring the world was thrilling and all but I knew it was time to get home especially with my father breathing down my neck with one thousand reasons why I should have been home all along,

I had tried explaining how I wasn't just having fun out there or just visiting the less privileged, I was also attending to business along the lines of my travels

I'd been able to grasp more clients for the company even if it wasn't a job I should be doing,

The Throne of heiressy had already been prepared for my sister but somehow I worked harder than she ever could in her entire existence.

Apart from working at King's Groups I am also a well accomplished model though my parents never failed to tell me how embarrassing my career choice was for the family name.

I honestly didn't care so I always kept my head low like the obedient lamb I had grown to be, in my heart I was proud of myself even if I wished they could be too,

it hurt every time they reminded me how I should have been like everyone else in the King's Household except it was just the four of us, they always made it out like we were more than we currently were,

I knew they were talking about my sister cause it's not like I had any cousins or extended families, once I had an elder brother who had joined the military but he had died in action, he was the only one who tried to understand me even if sometimes he was just like them, it was hard but eventually I forgot about him cause honestly he was only nice when he needed something.

I'd been so lost in thoughts that I didn't notice the flight steward calling out to me.

"Ma'am? Sorry to distract you but we are ready for take off"
He said shifting from foot to foot,

I looked up at his name tag and smiled softly at him to at least ease his discomfort..

"It's okay Leo, tell the pilot that I'm ready for take off and you can go ahead and do whatever you stewards do, I'll be fine on my own"
I finished and saw the slight surprise that appeared on his face although he was quick to mask it by nodding and bowing a little before scurrying off.

I looked beside me then placed my bag on the empty sit before folding my hands together and placing them on my laps while I felt the plane take off, I always did this cause I didn't want to feel frightened by the movement,

Once I was sure we were stable in the air I removed my hands and picked up the entertainment magazine that I had purchased on my way to the airport, I began looking through the pages,

I have no idea how long I did this but I guess I'd fallen asleep because next thing I know I was been tapped by an uncomfortable looking Leo.

"Sorry ma'am but we have arrived"

I asked him while rubbing my eye slightly so as not to smear my makeup
I looked around and indeed we were in our new York Airstrip.

okay that was fast,

"I'll bring your luggage to the car now ma'am, seen as your assistant seems really excited out there"

I followed his amused gaze only to find Jason squealing and bouncing like a child promised a day with Santa.

I smiled and started making my way to him, of which he didn't even let me walk down properly before he engulfed me in a bear hug and started twirling me round, I kept giggling like a four year old till he put me down on my feet then kissed both sides of my cheeks, and instantly started telling me all I'd missed since the last time we spoke.

I wasn't exactly listening to anything he was saying because I was much more content with the fact that I was finally here with him,

Jace had been my friend since high school, though his family were average they still managed to give him and his sister the best they could, they were the perfect parents till they found out that he was in fact Gay, they kicked him out and disowned him as well, he had come to my house that night and asked that I accommodate him,

We both lived with my grandmother who was more than happy to help, after high school we both went to college, lived together and became siblings as far as strangers were concerned.

I graduated top and youngest in my class, softly speaking that was at the age of 19, one of the reasons I had no friends too, My parents never hid their contempt for me but somehow Jace always made it all better,

At 20 grandma Louis had become sick with cancer, the day we got her diagnosis was the most tragic day of my life because she was my rock and strength,
At the time my anxiety had heightened, my panic attacks were now a recurring event,

Somehow in all of this Jace never left me on my own, he was always there rocking me back and forth and reminding me that it gets better at some point,

later that year I told him of my dream of becoming a model,

It was funny especially because I studied aeronautic engineering which my parents didn't also approve of, now choosing to be a model was sort of me going off shore with their dreams and aspirations,

Somehow Jace still supported me, although there was only one hitch, I've always had a Breathing Pattern Disorder and it always manifested whenever I got emotionally or physically strained, I would have panic attacks, hyperventilation, back pain or extreme difficulty breathing properly, the list went on and on and sometimes I'd end up even needing the aid of an oxygen tank and mask.

When I remembered my health problems and discussed them with Jace who somehow found a loophole, don't even ask me how , but somehow he did,

four years later I became the woman I dreamt to be all those years ago, So when I asked him what he wanted to do himself he said he wanted to be beside me all the way, he wanted to be at the top with me when I would rise, or he would just be on the floor with me if I should fall, either choice I made he wanted to be there all the way,
that concludes how my best friend became my personal assistant and my manager,

I smiled at the memories we had created over the years and realized that indeed he and I had come a long way.

I didn't know I was actually smiling to myself till he started talking in his usual cocky manner.

"I better be the only man you are smiling over right now, cause girl you know with a face and body like mine Adrian Smith has got nothing on me"

He concluded pointing at himself and wiggling his eyebrows while spotting a mischievous smirk,

Adrian Smith, the man I had loved unrequitedly, of course I didn't have the boldness to match up to him to say something like that.

I was about to give him the sarcastic reply he deserved when my phone rang, I looked at it and felt all the blood drain from my face,

And With shaky hands I picked it up and pressed the answer icon, so as to receive my orders.


With that said he hung up and I slid my phone slowly out of my ears and to my laps, I looked at Jace who seemed to understand then nodded his head before turning to the driver.

"Please head over To the King's office building Nigel"

I guess there were things that no amount of time could change even if it seemed like you had outgrown them

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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me

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