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Finally the time for the press conference had come but I couldn't bring myself to go out there and get all loved up with her,

For me all of this is definitely new territory and I have no idea how to venture in there.

But then my only motivation has been the 30% of Smiths Corp,  I needed to get in there pulling my actor's pants on.


Everything was going perfectly well, the questions were tolerable and we answered the best we could,

But just like all good things, they must come to an end,
I was taking aback when the news guy inadvertently accused me of cheating on Arabella with Alexandra,  

truth be told I never cheated on Bella through out our relationship,    the main reason amongst others that caused our break up was because Bella had become insatiable, you could never do right by her and I honestly had no plans of enduring a relationship no matter how convenient it seemed,

  I couldn't bring myself to answer the question cause in as much as I never had anything with Alex how was I supposed to explain the sudden engagement,    I should have been more prepared for questions like that,    the wrong answer was definitely going to cost me investors, especially the older ones in the circle who believed in loyalty and sanctity between two people emotionally involved with each other,

I tried to think of a suitable answer but nothing was coming forth,  I was about winging it and hoping for the worst when I heard Alex begin answering the question,

    in my entire life I'd never been this thankful for a person coming to my aid especially over something this important,  she had told a lie,   defended me even when she was absolutely clueless about my relationship with Bella,     if the truth got out then everything she had worked for would have been for nothing, that was the industry we were involved in,

This day I owed her a debt I'd definitely pay in the days to come,   with that thought I turned to her and excused myself, Allowing her to continue with her conference.

Yes she saved my ass today, it didn't mean I hated her any less than I did an hour ago.

Upon Getting into the office I got a lot of congratulations from the employees,    I had to smile and accept them like a happily engaged man would,

I kept getting calls from various business associates congratulating and telling me how I had made the best choice,    if they called Alex the best choice then I needed to question their type of women,  she wasn't the best, she was just a great actor and I think she's lived so long in the presence of the media that she's forgotten what been in reality is like.

Once I sat back on my chair, I pulled out the documents I left unsigned yesterday and decided to start going through them

I'm ignorant as to how much time had passed considering I had been focused on the emails I was replying,  that was of course until I was distracted by someone swinging my door open and barging in as though they owned the place,

I closed my eyes and inhaled a large amount of air before I opened my eyes again to address Arabella's insolence,
Except she bit me to it,

            "What is this Adrian?"
She screamed waving her phone in my face, 

Sure I knew what she was on about so there was no need playing hide and seek with her,  I simply relaxed in my chair staring at her in a very bored manner, hoping that she'd be sensible enough to calm down,

Who was I kidding though,  we are talking about Arabella Castillo, she is drama personified.

          Few minutes later of me totally ignoring her she slowed down and started making her way to me,  I didn't know what she was doing but I definitely wasn't in the mood for her antics.

Slowly but finally she got to me then sat on my laps, I tried pushing her away but I was already too late because right in that moment I saw multiple flash lights, which meant only one thing,  

       I was in trouble.

Finally I was able to push her away but couldn't find the source of the flash lights anymore,  

I had never been so angry in my entire life before,  I thought she would grow up, but obviously I was wishing for the impossible,

       "I left you because I was hoping that it would be lesson enough to make you grow up, but obviously you will never learn,  leave before I do something I will regret and make sure I never set eyes on you ever again "   
    This was something I should have ended a long time ago,   looking at her now I guess I can finally see what my father had disliked about her since the beginning,

I watched her stomp her feet like a child before she walked away, leaving me to fix  the disastrous mess she had created for me,

How was I supposed to fix this?

This was me basically calling Alex a liar right after she defended me from the press,  I didn't like her but even the worst of the worst didn't deserve the trolling she would be receiving from Arabella and her fans,   what about our business associates?

         "I don't care how you do it, stop Arabella before she starts posting any articles about us"
I hanged up hoping and praying that just this once, Arabella will be matured enough to think her actions through.

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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me

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