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It had been a long week for all of us including my family,

They had been making so much effort, they'd come over to the house and apologized to Adrian and Jace,   and equally thanked them for being there when they weren't,

Adrian was cool but Jace just like me had told them that it would take a while but he was willing to try,  considering they were also like family to him,

They were becoming everything I wanted in a family and I was grateful for that,

Adrian had been so amazing that I couldn't get enough of him and the love he was showering me with,

Jace had become really good to Mace, and I noticed how his eyes would always lit up when Mace would come into the room,

Sometimes I'd tease him about it and he'll just shrug and act all non chalant but he failed to remember that I knew him better than that.

Anyways right now I'm standing back stage while awaiting for the runway exhibition to end,

In a few minutes I'm going to be stepping up there for the grand finale,   they had no idea what to expect hence the excitement in the air,

But my team and I had decided that I would use my  time in creating an awareness for those who had been in my situation just because they had one sickness or disorder,

We needed to remind them that it wasn't a death sentence, and it was most definitely not anyone's fault that they had a health situation.

    "it's time ma'am"
Someone said beside me, I turned and thanked him before getting a go ahead from Jace to head up the stage,

I slowly walked out as elegantly as I could,  all the while making the dress I wore as obvious as possible,

It was the master piece of the show,  it was made to be the highest bidding of the night hence the need to showcase it as much as I could,

I could hear the cheers, the claps and the whistle from the audience,  I simply relaxed and focused on the runway,

When I got to the end of the podium where Aiden the master of the ceremony stood,  he took my extended hand and led me right back to the center of the stage where he twirled me in a really Charismatic manner if I do say so myself,

Then he began the bidding for the dress and as a bonus the highest bidder will spend the day with Adrian and I,

Couple of rich people banter later, the highest bidder had purchased the dress,   and she had excitedly jumped at the prospect that she was going to spend her day with us,

After that I quickly went back and changed into sweat pants and a flip flop,   yes this wasn't the typical outfit anyone would expect from me,  but today this wasn't about me with a tittle or money,  this was me conforming with the children, speaking their minds and opening the world's eyes on the reason why these people deserved to be loved regardless of their ailments.

Once I felt comfortable with my look I stepped back into the stage,   and as expected there were gasps and murmurs especially from the high profile people.
        "Hello everyone and thank you for coming,
Yes I understand your confusion right now and believe there is a perfect reason behind this little diversion of ours tonight,

Tonight every donation, every cent you have given us today goes right back to the orphanages all over the world, especially those in dire need of financial support for the kids suffering from one disease to another, 

I came up here today because a lot of people struggle with the rare cases of disorders that leave them incapable , leaving them feeling like they have a death sentence hanging over their heads,  it leaves them invisible to their loved ones and the world at large,

   I am one of those people,

And I know that That's not something you would have imagined but its the truth,

I have struggled with a rare case of a Breathing Pattern Disorder, "

I heard the whispers, the shock on their faces,  some held absolutely pity, while others were plain curious,
I smiled because this was my breakthrough moment,

    " I was young,   I was scared,  I was lonely, and I lost my self esteem as a person because I always worried that what if I did this and I end having an episode or do that and end up passing out in the streets,

I wasn't allowed to get overwhelmed hence regardless of my status I avoided being in unnecessary spaces, 

It was hard,  I lost more than I could count and it got worse every time,    sometimes when I walked those runways I had a tank and an oxygen mask right in my car sit cause I knew that the next second couldn't be promised.

A lot of this kids have guardians who don't understand their health situation,    and because they are ignorant they believe bailing on the kids is a safer option,

45% of the children in orphanage homes aren't exactly orphans, they are just kids whose parents forgot to wear a condom and when the result came looking them in the face they simply decided to run off, thereby abandoning a child that never  even asked to be born in the first place, 

Most of these kids have health challenges that are beyond them,  and that's why we are beckoning on you to aid and assist us in the process of providing the equipments,  and space for this kids to make it through to a better tomorrow.

It doesn't have to be today or tomorrow, it doesn't have to be done with your cheque books,   but you can by helping those kids you see laying homeless in the dark alleys with no place to go from there,   you can send them to the closest orphanage homes,   yes it's a long process but if you put your mind to it I believe we can make this world a better place for everyone especially these kids,

Thank you, for gracing us with your presence tonight and I hope for the best for everyone, goodnight. "

With that I walked waving at the screaming and cheering crowd, towards my husband who was staring at me in awe,
He pulled me in a hug and twirled me around while I hung on him feeling like a weight has been lifted from me.

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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me

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