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First thing i did was collect the fork she was about to use,   then I pulled her closer and began feeding her.

She didn't seem to mind me feeding her and that thought elated me,  at least she wasn't shutting me out yet,  all I needed to do was take it slow with her,   or at least that was Jace's advice,

After a while of eating she looked satisfied and was struggling to keep her eyes open,  I gave her one more skoop of her meal but she shook her head signifying she was okay so I nodded and let her go,

I asked Sarah to serve my food as well while I rushed up to go freshen up and get ready for work,

    Two Hours later I was already at the office but the paparazzi on the way was quite horrible,   it took a while for my security team to actually find a way to get me through them

Once I got in I started receiving congratulations from my employees, a lot of gifts honestly,    then my private store at my  floor had been filled with gifts from fans who were wishing us better days ahead,       If this was before I would have flipped but now thinking on the brighter side I thought it was a thoughtful gesture,  

I removed my suit jacket and went straight to work considering that Greg had piled up some documents that needed my urgent attention and time wasn't mine to spare.

    I had no idea how long I'd been working but I was thankful for the distraction that came in form of my father,

       "Hello Son"
He greeted tapping my shoulder and proceeding to take a sit opposite me,

     "Hello Dad,  what brings you here? "
I asked cause he was never one to visit for nothing.

Though he laughed before he spoke, I still knew something brought him here

        "Relax Son, I didn't come to hound you,  How  is Moon though?"

I knew  it.

      "she's great, she seemed exhausted when I left the house "
      I answered looking at him but thinking about the woman who still plagued my thoughts, wait I could ask him about what I couldn't help but be bothered about,

      "Dad, how  well do you know the King's?"

       "Well, I know them as well as any partner should"

     "That wasn't an answer dad" I muttered under my breath
I guess he heard me cause he began laughing

      "alright alright,  relax Son,  if you are asking about your wife then there's only so much everyone knows,  couple of years back she moved away and no one has an inkling where she was, she only came home for the miss universe thing and her grandmother's funeral,  I think that was the last anyone saw her,  except of course the pictures she took when she was on tour,

I can't say much about her childhood or teenage years,  same goes with every other minor details of her early adult hood prior to when she became a runway model and entrepreneur,  but if you want I could call the private investigator to do some digging "

     "No dad,   that will send us back to square one if she finds out I did something like that, 
I messed up enough as it is I don't want to make it any worse"
A private investigator was a good idea but I believe that if there wasn't anything in her past then she wouldn't have been so closed off,   sometimes when I look at her I believe there's so much she's going through and I have no idea what it was,

     "You are right Son,  In the end it's her story to tell and the least you can do is keep assuring her that you are worthy of knowing whatever is in her past"

I nodded in agreement and thanked him for his thoughts about the matter,  we closed that topic and fell into lighter conversations about business and stuff,  he stayed for a while then decided to leave me to my work,  not before teasing me about how I was still whipped for Alex after all these years, 

I laughed cause he was right,  time and Arabella never  change anything. They only kept me away from her and distracted me long enough to focus on my business.

Sometime later I closed my laptop and left the building so I could head back home, I was clearly beat.

     Once I got home I changed and had a really quick dinner, I went over to check on Alex and realized she was still asleep,  I covered her properly and adjusted the room temperature before I kissed her head and went to bed myself.


      I had woken to my alarm blaring non stop,  I hit the button and quickly got out of bed,  changed into gym clothes and went to the gym,

Once I was satisfied with myself I left the room and started heading for breakfast but decided to go wake Alex first,  except she ended up bumping into me because she seemed lost in thought,

I inspected her and thankfully she looked better today,  I took her hand in mine and led  her to the dining table,   not before notifying her of my plans to introduce her to the helpers around the house,

She seemed okay today and I was glad for that,  except for the fact that she practically disappeared into her mind as soon as she took the first spoon of her meal,  causing me to ask her if she did that often,

I was really happy for the brief exchange that followed after because I got to see a part of her that wasn't always guarded.

   I wasn't particularly excited about Nanny  Esther interrupting our little moment, but  Watching the both women engage in such an emotional moment got me thinking more about what Alex might have been through in the past,

But it also made me curious about how they knew each other,

I had asked cause I was genuinely confused,  the answer I got was quite surprising,    Alex had said She was her Nanny  too,

I asked how that was possible so she told us that after she had stopped working for my family she had worked for Ma'am Louis,   but left so she could take care of Sarah,  it was around the same time that I found her and offered her to move in here and take care of my home.

I was partly happy because Alex knew familiar faces and there was no longer the issue of making her at home,

All I needed to do now was keep doing the little things till she and I will get to  a better place in our lives.

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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me

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