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Waking up this days was no longer appealing especially with that Infuriating woman all over the tabloids and news outlets, it was as though the world was literally revolving around her, but strangely she didn't seem phased by either of it,    I had seen what that kind of fame could do to a person,
I saw what it did to Arabella and honestly it's part of the reasons I stopped trying, 

Anyways I'd gotten to the accessories store cause obviously I needed to get her a ring, I had called her yesterday about the wedding rings and she said it was okay for me to purchase the both, I decided I might as well get her an engagement ring,   for what it's worth she was helping me get 30% of my company so she deserved a gift for her hardwork.

I'd seen a lot of rings but none screamed Alexandra,  the ones I'd found were either too big or too shabby, some others were unworthy to be in her jewelry box if I do say so myself, while others had no place resting in any woman's hands at all but who was I to judge, the one that should have been nice enough had diamonds that should be placed in a bracelet and not a ring,  now that I thought about it I had absolutely no idea why I was trying to buy something she'd like,
       "Are you looking for something that represents your special someone? "
I was distracted by the sales woman's question,   I turned around to correct her assumption about Alex and her place in my life but then I thought against it and opted for just nodding.

       "Do you have a budget son? "
She asked again, I guess I got what she was implying.
       "No ma'am, show me the best you got"
I replied giving her my full attention,    she smiled softly then motioned with her hands,

      "follow me, I think I know exactly what you will love "
She said turning in the direction that led behind the counters

I followed closely behind her looking at the rings that now seemed worthy of her, I could pick any of these and they will do her absolute justice
       "What about this? "
She asked pointing at the most beautiful ring I'd seen,    it definitely screamed Alex, the elegance, the poise, the beauty and the way it glittered when directed in the light.

     this was exactly what I had in mind and  it was perfect in my eyes, thankfully they were in pairs,     an  engagement ring, and wedding rings for the bride and groom, 

  I picked the one for the groom and slid it in my arm,  it fit perfectly well,    I looked at the one for the bride then pulled out my phone showing the sales woman a closer picture of Alex asking her thoughts on the size I should pick, she grinned widely at me, before telling me that fate was really on our side because the one I had in my arms were a perfect fit for her,
I smiled at her feeling quite proud of myself for accomplishing such a great task.

     "I'll take it, thank you very much for your help ma'am"
With that she packaged the engagement ring in a different ring box and did the same for the rest, I paid then left a reasonable tip for the store before I walked away.

Once I arrived at work I resumed replying the emails I couldn't yesterday, burying myself in my unreplied emails was a fate better than entertaining the thought of that woman.

I had no idea how much time had passed but I was distracted by Greg who stood at the door letting me know that Alex had arrived, I asked  why he seemed happy about it,

he let out a smile before asking me to look at the Cctv cameras that were connected in the office hall, with that said he walked away, probably to go bring her to me.

I did as he said and I was stunned by what I saw,

There she was, hugging and taking pictures with whoever cared to oblige,  I watched someone hand her a rose,  where the hell did they get a rose in my company,   I needed to have a serious conversation with my employees especially the males.

I looked back at her and watched her take a couple of more  pictures before she followed Greg into my  private elevator, I decided to remind myself exactly why I disliked her by tuning into the security feeds that were  connected in the elevator.

Usually when Arabella got approached by her fans, she would hug, smile, exchange kisses with the kids and all what not, but as soon as she turned her back from them, she would start sanitizing herself or wash her hands as soon as she gets to any rest room,   why she even bothered associating with them was beyond me,

So tapping into the feeds was my way of reminding myself exactly why Alex was worse than Arabella.

Few minutes into the ride I watched her still fawning over the rose that she received, telling The others how much she appreciated little gestures like that,  I thought I'd heard wrong till she started talking about how she still had the gifts her fans sent to her and how she used most of them in designing her condo unit in the city,

I decided I had heard enough so I turned back to signing the documents I had on my desk or at least I tried to.

Few  minutes later she was finally sitted before me in all her glorious beauty,  if she wasn't a part of the King's family I would have definitely hung out with her,  but having seen the way she was with her own family,  made me realize she is as vile as the rest of them,  possibly the worst of the worst

After we'd agreed on the press conference, I got to my feet as a sign that we were done, she stared  at me briefly before she sent me a soft smile.

She got up as well and was about to leave without uttering a word to me, what kind of woman is she?

I remembered the Ring So I stopped her from leaving and handed her the Ring

I watched the way her eyes sparkled with delight before she opened the box,   she stared at it with an unknown emotion that kept swimming through her striking blue orbs,  I watched them water a little before she expertly blinked back the tears,   this was a woman who had become a master at hiding her emotions,  her action reminded me of the preposterous demands she had made in exchange of accepting to do this for her family,   

After  a short while she turned to me to say something I guess but thought against it,  she simply smiled again then said a quick thanks before she walked away.

Was the ring not good enough for her?

I'd spent a large sum just for it but all I got was a quick thanks?.

Once she was out of my sight I fell back on my chair trying to regain my temper cause that woman happens to be the most Infuriating woman I've met in my  life.

         "The press Conference will be held at the Moon's Events, and your engagement will be announced first so you are expected to be there on time sir"

I didn't need to say anything in reply to that cause I'm sure Greg knew I heard him, I just needed to distract myself from that Annoying woman who had done nothing but  create a place for herself in my mind, plaguing my thoughts with her  actions.

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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me

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