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    Hey guys, So I know this chapter seems I don't know,  maybe unrealistical, but I remember it's straight fiction and I imagine the weirdest of things all the time,       So try to keep the corrections and stuff a bit polite,    love  Diamond 💋❤️🔹

Once we'd gotten home yesterday,   I was totally exhausted but trust Jace to create a party where there isn't,

There was a dinner party in the house, and when I asked Jace why he said,

     "girl I see the way you been glowing,  I know Adrian finally got your ass laid so this is me totally celebrating y'all consumating"
I had turned beet red at his reason and I couldn't even bring myself to look at Mace and Nanny Esther cause they just wiggle their eyes,

Once we finally had the time to have a conversation he had told me how my parents had been asking of me,  they even visited our office but he had asked them to back off.

I smiled at him before asking him if everything was ready for the purchase,  he said It was and the meeting was at my restaurant.

I'd gone to bed feeling so nervous but Adrian had told me that I had it handled., and continously whispered sweet nothings till I slept off.

I woke up this morning  freaking out cause truth be told this would be the first time I would be seeing my family since the event and I had no idea what to expect from them.

Once I'd dressed up and got out to the sitting room I found Adrian typing away on his phone,  I walked over to him and he immediately pulled me on his lap,
          "You sure you don't wanna come?"
I asked him for the hundred time since we woke up.

       "No Babe,  this is something you've gotta handle on your own, but I'm just a phone call away,"

       "I feel like throwing up   Adrian "

    "No you won't,  now you could always go remove this clothes,  then wait naked for me"
He suggested trailing kisses below my jaw to my ear.

       "I'll gladly do that,  come on let's head up"
He laughed before he kissed me, then pulled me in a hug.

     "Go to your meeting babe,   I'm sure Jace is waiting besides I've got a Congratulatory surprise for you when you get back home"
I smiled at him before bending so I could kiss him quick then   headed out to the restaurant.

As soon as I'd arrived I got out of the car and thanked the driver before my eyes roamed the building,    I looked up at the booth that faced the streets directly and found my mom staring down at me,   We stared at each other for a while before she sent me a weak smile, I couldn't bring myself not to smile back so I did and waved at her before I started making my way to them into the building.

Once I got to them I was met by Jace who smiled at me then led me to the sit right between him and Mr Calvin grandma's lawyer.

    "Now that you are here, let's get started"
He said before pulling out multiple files from his bag,

My legal representative smiled at me before he spoke up, stating the reason for the meeting,
     "We are gathered here today for the sales of King's Group to Mrs Alexandra Moon King Smith,  having made available the finances to facilitate the process of sales, All payments made today will be distributed to the orphanage homes listed in the Will of Mrs Louis Alexandra Kings, 

" Does anyone have anything to say"

      "Yes Barrister Cyrill,"
Mr Calvin replied before rearranging the papers in his hands then passing it to everyone of us.

      "There was a part of the Will Mrs Louis had written that was only supposed to be applied should the case of this event ,

This purchase would have been considered valid if the company wasn't already yours Mrs Alexandra"


"How do you mean if it wasn't already hers Mr Calvin?
My father voiced my confusion except he was calm about it, like I was expecting him to be screaming or something but he just asked like he was curious  like everyone else.

    " few weeks Before the death of Mrs Louis she had called her legal representatives to a meeting that constituted of the adjustment of her Will,   she believed that a time would come when miss Moon here will proceed to purchase King's Group,   she believed that such a move could only be triggered if she considered it the best choice for everyone, 

The clause here is that the company can only be fully handed over to you if you followed through with the marital process,  hence the reason why I had to wait till you made a move to purchase before revealing this aspect of the Will"
He said before passing some documents to Mr Cyrill.

    if this was true then could it be she knew a time was going to come when My Parents Would make Meghan the sole heiress and CEO?
And she knew I could never stand for that?

Purchasing King's group is a decision I made not because I needed the title of ownership or CEO,    it's a decision I made because I had seen what my sister could do with two limitless black cards,  there were employees who had spent a reasonably amount of time with this company and they depended on this place to pay bills and what not,     there were others who were here mostly because they treated this place like their second home, while others were here fulfilling one dream or another and I never wanted a day to come when they would park up and move because they were told they wouldn't get their pay cheques for one reason or the other,    that wasn't wh-

    "miss Alexandra you can decide what to do with the company now"
Mr Calvin said now sitting with his files kept neatly before him.

     I couldn't let Meg keep the CEO position,  and I definitely wasn't ready for that kind of responsibility but sadly I had no choice,   if my parents weren't retired already I would have let them continue, but I knew they needed the rest considering how they had spent their lives making the company what it is today,

As regards the money added I guess it's time I did something right for everyone,  and I guess I needed to equally do something for Meghan, Jace and my parents including the employees, I didn't need the money so it's best given to people who did and they knew what to do with it.

      "  Thank you Mr Calvin, for everything,

    I've made a decision, and I would love for it to be executed as soon as possible,

I need 10% of the annual income forwarded to the orphanage homes listed in grandma's Will till the next five years,   10% to Meghan Ciara Kings and another 10% to Jace Williams,

There will be a 5% raise in salary for every employee in every sector, department and Branch of King's Group,

For my parents they are to get a Limitless Black Card each for whatever they choose to do from here on out,

Thank you everyone for attending,  have a great day ahead "

With that said I got up and shook hands with the lawyers then turned to Jace who pulled me in a hug whispering congratulations to me.

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That's all you gotta do for me

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