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Three long agonizing hours later, we had finally finished signing every necessary document,   I don't know what was said to the board members and I honestly didn't care,   the both segments and the jet had been handed over to me and I wasn't going to let them go.

If you're wondering why this was important to me, then let me educate you.

First off:  This was me creating a fail safe,   if Adrian suddenly decided to back out at this point then I wouldn't be letting anyone down,    I had  practically taken  30% of Kings group,  which meant that if they decided to turn the company over I had nothing to loose except for the lives of the employees that would be ruined, but I would never let that happen even if I had to beg,

Secondly, if Adrian decided to back out I could easily acquire all of King's group making it a private property,   it will no longer be the property of my grandparents which means their Will had to be considered null and void as regards to what happens to the Establishment.

Thirdly I was aiming for this because I knew sooner than later they would be handing everything over to Meghan,   I could easily let her keep all of it but the issue here was that I had worked my ass off for this establishment, so there was no way I was gonna let them give her everything.

I know you must also be thinking, now that I was financially equipped enough to buy off The company why did I still plan on continuing the marriage between Adrian and I,

Truth is I knew continuing was plain stupid, he didn't love me, hell!! he didn't like me,   but I was hoping that maybe, just maybe there was a chance that maybe he could at least care about me,   

  I have had Jace  doing the loving and caring for so long that I'm beginning to feel like a burden, what if he found someone eventually, I wasn't going to be selfish by holding him back, I needed to grow a pair and try making Adrian care for me even a little.

     Secondly if I backed out from the marriage, he would have no choice but to loose the 30% of Smiths Corps, I wasn't selfish enough to do that to him,  I know if reverse were the case he would never do same for me,  but it's okay at least I'm being useful to him,

   I hoped against all logical beliefs that eventually all of this would be worth it,  that a day would come when I will become the only woman he couldn't live without,

    Speaking of women, I'd heard he and Arabella had broken up again and it seemed to be for good,    that meant I wouldn't be getting between him and anyone,  this was a chance I'd give anything to make work but that didn't mean I planned on pushing him into doing anything,

if he couldn't love me back after one year,
Then I decided that I'd grant him a divorce then go ahead and make the purchase of King's group, surely by then he'll be stable enough to acquire his 30% remainder of his company, if he couldn't then I will definitely help him acquire it,

Thirty minutes later of congratulations, handshakes and pretentious pleasantries we were all on our way to our various destinations.

     Once outside the paparazzi didn't let us have even a slight space for passage,  I don't know how Jace did it but the security detail came and walked us through till we were safe in the car and driving away.

I felt so exhausted cause I had done more in one day than I could do in an entire week,  I went straight into my room and changed, I was about jumping into bed when I heard my phone ringing, I picked my bag and picked up the phone,  checked the caller ID but it was unknown,     against better judgment I decided to pick,  what could possibly go wrong.


    "Miss Alexandra? "
Oh my gosh, it's him,  it's Adrian, it was taken every ounce of dignity in me to not squel in excitement

   "hello Adrian,
how may I help you? "
Way to act cool.

    "it's you then, great, you are expected at my office at 10am, we are supposedly supposed to discuss what kind of wedding you want "
With that said he hung up.

I looked at my phone in shock, did he have a bad day.?
He  couldn't even ask me if I had the time to be there,   I'm just gonna believe he had a long day today.

The kind of wedding I want? He made it expressly clear that it was going to be a private wedding so what else is there to discuss about that?,

If only he knew that I don't care what kind of wedding I get,  as long as I get to spend  the rest of my life with him at the end.

With that thought in mind I jumped on my bed and let the sleep take over,

Hopefully tomorrow would be a better day with better activities, 

with Adrian as my day starter, it is prone to be a good day.

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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me

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