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     Once I arrived at the penthouse I dropped my bag and slumped on the sofa, running my hands through my hair down to my face, not minding that I was smearing my makeup.

I looked up at Jace who hadn't said anything since we drove away from the company,   he seemed to be giving me the sympathetic looks,  

looking at him right now seemed to give the dam a little push cause i couldn't hold the tears back anymore,   he quickly sat down and pulled me to himself, in his comforting hugs I had learnt to find a little solace but it' was as though I couldn't do that,  instead my breathing disorder found a rather perfect moment to make an appearance,  i had managed myself for so long but right now I couldn't help it,  

I couldn't breathe and it felt like someone had pressed something heavy on me,   it was extremely hard to breath and I could feel myself clutching his shirt,   I looked up at him and saw the panic in his eyes,    I started trying to tell him where the new oxygen tank was.

      "T-tank, store ro- room"
God please I hope he understood.

       "don't you dare die on me now Moon, please hold on I'll be back"
     I really wanted to but I could feel my eyes drooping close,  Jace please hurry up,  this wasn't how I thought it would end for me.

Few seconds later I could make out Jace frantically putting the mask on my face, I deeply inhaled before everything turned black, I felt my eyes close and I slipped into the darkness that gladly welcomed me.


It was times like this moment that made me hate the King's even more than I already hated them,    Moon had been through so much for one person to naturally endure  but for some reason it was as though whenever she was this close to getting a little fresh air those vicious people would somehow evade her space with their negativity and cruelty.

When she ordered the driver to bring us back to the penthouse I knew that whatever they had said to her this time must have been above the chart cruel,   

moon and I lived together in the outskirts of the city,  and we only came down here when she was emotionally overwhelmed,  Today had to have been one of those days if the way she was skipping the stairs was anything to go by,

The moment she sat down and looked at me I knew she was about to break down, and I was ready to be here for her,  I'd wait till she woke up so she'd tell me what those mofos had done to send her back to been dependent on her oxygen mask.

The first time I saw her having an episode I totally freaked out then,    I had left her with our college gym instructor  so I could go grab us some water from our locker,  when I got back I saw him trying to keep her on her feet cause she was about passing out, she kept asking for a tank but I was clueless and had no idea what to do,    the instructor been the mature person lifted her in his arms and ran to the school hospital wing,   it was then that I was lectured on her health situation.

Since then I had sworn that I would never allow her be in that situation ever again,  and that was partly the reason I made sure to never leave her alone.


        Slowly I felt myself trying to open my eyes, it was hard especially because of the lights everywhere in the room,  I removed the mask I was still wearing, then  shifted  to my other side so I could go reach for the remote and turn it off,

After that little hassle was sorted, I picked up my phone and saw it was 5pm already,  I had an hour more before it would be time for the signing over,    with that in mind I got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

I changed  into a black velvet business jumpsuit, a black stiletto heel and a black hand bag,   I picked my phone, my wallet and I.d,  then picked my keys before making my way to Jace's room,  I  knew he had to be there.

    Once I got there I knocked before entering but to my surprise I saw him looking all dressed up and couldn't resist asking him what's up.

           "I came to wake you so we could go grab some dinner, but when I got there I saw the business attire you assembled in your bed, so I guessed we still had unfinished business"
Came his response. Then he started ushering me out of the house.

   "have I ever told you how amazing you are Jace? "

     "Not today Moon, I was beginning to think I was been replaced"
I laughed at his reply, Jace always had a flare for the dramatics.

    "How  are you Moon?, what did those people do now?"
He asked turning serious again.

      "Jace, we are about to earn ourselves billions of dollars,"
I said the figure hoping it would distract him from the look he was giving me.

       "that doesn't answer the question Moon"
He replied still looking at me expectantly.

  " once tonight's over I promise to tell you everything,  but till then we are gonna go over to the King's restaurant to sign some papers, I texted the lawyers already so they'll meet us over there"

    "Moon why do I feel like whatever you are about to sign is as good as you turning your life over? "
He asked looking me straight in the eye as though he was searching for the truth.

     "believe me Jace,   just this once I need you to trust me and trust the process,   I'd never do anything to hurt anyone intentionally you know that,   so just believe that what I am about to do is for the good of everyone"
He didn't say anything at first, but after a short while he looked at me again then nooded

       "I'm going to trust you Moon, and I'm gonna be there all the way, I'll support you-"
He said then squeezed my hand in assurance before he continued,

    "but don't count on me to not pull your mother's hair"
I looked over at him, Jace had said that with such a straight face that i couldn't hold back my laughter anymore.

    "Don't do that Jace, I'm sure my mom will come around eventually"
Issue is, I'd been saying that for so long that I don't even know if I still believe it anymore.

     Jace snorted before he muttered something under his breath, I could only make out,
"keep telling yourself that honey"
I smiled at him then turned to the other side looking out the window as the driver made a sharp turn making his way into the restaurant

He packed properly then got down and opened my door for me, I said a soft thanks then made my way over to Jace whose bod3  had already stiffened at the mere sight of my family in the booth closest to the window,

I angled my arms so I could hook it in his elbow, then I squeezed a little in assurance that all will be well.

   "Let's go Jace,  you have my permission to pull Meghan's hair if it comes to it"
I told him in hopes of lightening his mood,  it worked cause he was now smiling down at me.

     "well let's get to it then,  even if I killed her I would be doing the world a Favour. "

With that said we started making our way inside ignoring the Paparazzi already hounding us with questions.

   It was time to put my after retirement life in motion even if it's not exactly how I planned it.

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That's all you gotta do for me

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