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I had driven to a hotel and booked a room,  then laid her there and changed her into the polo I took out of the emergency bag I always had in the car,

Once I was sure that she was comfortable I left her and went to the bathroom and  freshened up then  got into bed with her before I pulled her to me,

Looking at her face broke my heart and reminded me that I had failed her at every point in life, I wasn't going to loose her ever again not after what I'd learnt tonight,

I slept off with a promise that I would spend every day making it up to her and earning her forgiveness no matter how long it took.


I heard the birds chirping outside and the Sun peeking through the window which meant it was morning,

The headache was unbearable and I could feel the pain all over my body,

Now that I thought about it, I felt slightly better,  it wasn't the freedom I craved but it was a step in the right direction,

I tried to shift out of the bed but was restricted by strong arms,  I almost panicked but perceived that familiar scent that I had grown accustomed to,

But I perceived something else, my breath was disgusting,   this happened to be the first time I slept in his arms,  I needed to be refreshed by  the time he woke up,

I slowly crept out of his arms and made my way to  the bathroom  and  thankfully there was a spare toothbrush,

Once I felt refreshed I wore back the polo I'd been changed into,  then I crept back into bed with him,   though  I didn't know he was already awake,

       "Good morning Alex"
He greeted rubbing off the sleep, he looked really cute doing that,

       "Good morning Adrian"
I greeted back then  sat up and inched away a little so I could talk to him,
I love Adrian a lot but I didn't want to open up to anyone right now and end up getting hurt, 

I was still in a bad place and in as much as I felt happy about him being here I didn't want to continue with the circle of tears again today.

        "We'll get some breakfast,  you'll get some rest while I catch up on work,  then we'll have a conversation,  is that okay?"
He asked looking up at me from where he laid,

I smiled softly then nodded in agreement,   he smiled back then headed to the bathroom.

Hours later we had done exactly what we planned for the day,   he made sure to distract me from everything,  I don't know when or how he did it but Jace had brought me clothes out here,  when I saw them and asked him how he had said he planned on been out here a little more with me.

Finally we had settled in bed and were both relaxed on the head board,  we needed to talk but I didn't know how to start the conversation,

       "Do you know the first time I met you" ?
He asked looking me in the eye as though the answer laid there.

        "Probably at the Louis Vuitton exhibition?, that's actually the first time I saw you "

     He chuckled lightly before he spoke again,

      "I had actually seen you before then Alex, "

         "Really?    When, or better yet Where?"
I asked in shock at the fact that we had met anywhere before then.

       "you had stopped your car just so you could help a poor kid who'd been standing in the area,  I was actually waiting around the corner for my father cause we were planning on purchasing a building in that neighborhood, 

  when you got down from the car and started walking towards the kid I got curious and decided to watch you further,   you brought yourself to his level and said something to him causing him to burst into fits of laughter,

When he had finally relaxed you pulled out some money and gave it to him, he hugged you and ran off, while you stood back up and drove away"

I remember exactly what he was talking about, 

      "That boy is currently at the orphanage home I'm planning an event for,   he was later kicked out of his home by relatives and luckily I was in the same neighborhood again so I took him along"
I smiled when I recalled how excited Daniel was when I offered to take him out of there,

     "The next time I saw you was at the fashion show,  honestly you were breath taking that night and I had decided to meet with you after the show but you were nowhere to be found,

I had asked around and was told who you were,  and I think that' was were I had made the decision that I was going to find you no matter how far you went,

Then I walked the runway with you at my last fashion show and believe me I had never been so proud of any upcoming model the way I was of you but sadly I was ready to leave the scene cause I felt it was no longer for me.

I had made up my mind to take things further with you cause I realized that I had fallen in love with you at the time,

So that faithful day I sent you an invitation using Smith Corp as an excuse to offer you an ambassadorial deal, cause I was hoping that I would get the chance to know you more,

Instead you not only declined the invitation but you wrote me an email telling me how you were in league with fashion houses who understood your worth, and tha-"

    " Wait what are you talking about? "
I interrupted him before he could go any further with this accusation,

   " I never got any ambassadorial deal from King's Corp, and I never sent any email declining the said deal"

I defended but also browsing through my  mind for anything I might have missed back then, but there was nothing,

     "I had sent you the Email probably two weeks after my retirement and assumption as CEO,   so how is it possible you never got it?"
He asked equally seeming confused,

Wait,   I had stayed with my family through out the said period of time because my father had thought that suddenly teaching me the ropes of business would deter me from my embarrassing career choice,  

If he sent an email then that could only mean one thing,

No I'm sure they couldn't have gone that far just to ruin my life,   yes they could be petty but doing something like that wasn't their method,  but there was no one else cause I hadn't given Jace full access to my email,  so it definitely wasn't him,

       "Your family did it right?"
He asked suddenly turning upset at what he knew to be true,

        "I'm sorry Adrian,  that's all I can say"
I replied timidly cause truth be told what else was I supposed to say,

   He heaved a sigh before he spoke again,  "don't be sorry Alex,   time and time again I have failed you completely by not maning up for you, instead I held a grudge against you for so long that I forgot how to act any nicer around you."

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