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     Finally my wedding day was here but I had no desire for the day to move forward,   getting married was supposed to be a choice I make probably five years from now,   but that couldn't happen any more because in the next few hours I will be married to a woman I didn't want to be with.

           "I'm not going to force you to love the girl, but I hope you give it a chance Adrian, she can't be that bad,  possibly the best of the best if you ask me"

Easy for him to say,  he's not going to be married to that Infuriating woman,  

I couldn't contain the scoff  that escaped my mouth,

     "it's easy for you to say father,  you are not the one getting married to a woman as arrogant as that"

   It was his turn to roll his eyes then scoffed before he spoke again 

        "You continue to refer to her as an arrogant woman,   what did she do to deserve such reference from you anyways? "

       "I would love to get dressed now dad,  you don't want me showing up late to my own wedding now do you? "
I mocked earning an eye roll from him again before he walked away,

I'm glad he didn't push the conversation cause I definitely didn't want to talk about that woman anymore than necessary.


       Couple of hours later I was standing at the podium that had been erected for this purpose,    impatiently waiting for the woman who sooner than I'd like will be breathing the same air as me,   touching my stuff and probably sharing a room,
    definitely not, she's not sharing anything personal with me,   

it was enough that I was allowing her stay in my house,  I didn't need to be closer than that to her,  I might end up doing something I'll likely regret.

A short while later the instrument began sounding through the garden themed background,    slowly everyone stood on their feet and began looking behind the leaves that stood as curtain  ,  I  turned my eyes to where everyone was so focused on,

Nothing could have prepared me for the sight before me,
There she stood,   looking like the only woman in the world,   dressed in a white lace designed dress, not the typical attire you would expect but regardless she looked flawless,  no matter how much I hated this woman the one thing she never stopped doing was knocking me off my feet with her beauty and elegance that was always quick to cover her arrogance and cruelty.

    Having that thought reminded me how this woman without warning came into my life and simply put everything in disarray,    she waltzed in like she owned the place,  and without warning threw me off balance,

But I planned on making sure it's the last thing she'd ever do to me,    even if I had to ignore her existence then I will,   no one said anything about wining and dinning her.

Once I was satisfied with my decision I started making my way to her, I held her gaze and for some reason got all the more riled up,    she was looking straight into my eyes but still I couldn't read even a tiny bit of emotion in them,  it was like she was holding on to every bit of her self  and making sure that nothing escaped  her grasp,

     I was confused as to why it was Jace giving her away and not her arrogant dick of a father,   it's not like I cared or anything but this made me all the. More curious about this woman,

         Once I stood before them,
Jace whom I had gotten slightly closer to thanks to this sham of a wedding  pulled me in a hand shake and a bro hug before he whispered,

        "You don't know her, please don't judge man,  and take care of her"

I didn't know the answer to that so I simply opted for a quick nod, I mean it was none of my business what happens to her,   besides I wasn't about to become a Nanny to a grown ass woman, 

about knowing and not judging her I think we were a little passed that point,    I didn't need to read a manual to know this menace of a woman.

     I turned to her then tucked her hand into my elbow and began walking back to the podium,  

Once we stood before the priest he turned to her and gave a soft smile, which she returned in her signature soft smile,  a smile so soft from a woman like her made me realize you couldn't trust the superficial appearance of anyone,   the priest nodded in acknowledgment to her,   to which she reciprocated, it showed recognition between the both of them,    perhaps she was religious?,  you never know with this woman.

      Once everyone settled down he motioned for us to join hands together which we did,   although I did quite hesitantly, 
    surprisingly her hands were softer than I imagined,  not that I understand why I was even thinking about that.

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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me

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