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Upon my arrival into the car, I heaved an exhausted sigh, then ran my hand through my hair before turning to look over where Jace was sat only to find him gawking outside with his mouth hung open,

I followed his gaze till my eyes landed on the epitome of God's creation that I would soon be blessed to call mine, he was pacing and seemed lost in thought till he looked up and realized he had company,

I can't tell exactly what was being said but they seemed to be in a heated argument, the mere thought of me being the center of their disagreement tugged my heart in a negative way, he didn't need to say it but I knew he didn't want me, I just wish he didn't make it so obvious, with that I tapped the driver notifying him I was ready to leave, my penthouse was and will forever be my safe haven.


When I first discovered the document that binded me to Alexandra or Moon as they call her, I was livid about it, no one had the right to choose a bride for me, worst of all one that comes from a family of arrogant and selfish people,

I remember once a time when I walked the runway with her, she was always the best at what she did and I couldn't say otherwise even if I wanted to, but that wasn't yardstick enough to even be in the same room as her.

I figured the best way of getting myself out of that contract was to buy Smiths Corps, I was able to buy 70% of the company, but I couldn't acquire the remaining 30% so I had to wait, the only reason I'm agreeing to do this is because I know that in less than two years I'll be able to acquire the remaining 30%, then I would be able to ask for a divorce, I just needed to be her husband in paper, I could do that.

Now the next problem would be Arabella, yes we had been together for a long time and we had broken up cause in all honesty we weren't working anymore, I didn't love her but that didn't mean I wanted to upset her in this manner, me suddenly getting married to someone else would be a bad story for all of us.

I guess I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice when we pulled up at the King's group, I looked over at my father who seemed rather excited to meet Alexandra, he read about her philanthropic deeds in her world tour and he hasn't stopped talking about her and her good heart, he never liked Bella and I honestly never cared, I just wanted to see Alex again and show him that she was just like every other bad egg in the world.

We were finally sitted in the office of Mr Duncan, with his unbearable wife and daughter, if only I didn't need that 30% I would have made my way to anywhere but here.

A short while later there was a knock on the door, then whoever it was opened and closed the door, it was when I heard a small hello that I finally looked up at whoever stood there.

Nothing could have prepared me for the sight that stood before me, there she was in her tall glory, I had met a lot of women in my life but none could beat the woman that stood before me, I was going to allow my eyes trail below but I remembered she was the one I was supposed to marry, just like it was the King's way to disrupt everything they came close to,

I didn't realize I was even glaring at her till she looked over at me, our eyes met for a brief moment then i looked away, not exactly interested in having a staring contest.

If there's anything I'd noticed so far it's the tension that instantly built the minute she walked in, maybe they didn't like her even in her own family, what sort of person is disliked by her own family unless of course she is a terrible person.

I was distracted from my thoughts till her father asked her, her plans now that she was no longer the miss universe, she seemed to have stiffened a bit before she looked at him again looking a little uncomfortable, then arrogantly she announced her retirement, yet father wonders why I can't stand her, I could see her blushing when father complimented her then pulled her into a hug, I looked away again unconsciously tapping my shoes cause I couldn't wait for this to be over already so I could get back to work.

I Zoned out and began thinking of business ideas that could hasting the process so I could be able to acquire all of smith's corps, I thought I had hit a point but was distracted by the vile woman walking towards me with arrogant strides, I looked at her and realized she was spotting a mischievous smirk in her face, I was curious because I knew that smirk and understood that whatever she was going to say next wasn't going to be favorable to her family,

Indeed I was right, she had demanded the two things that actually made most of the money for King's group, that was plain greedy, if you want to help the company and your family why take something that huge in return,

I looked over to the rest of her family and saw how displeased they were, I would be too if someone made such demands, I could see how her father struggled but finally agreed to give her everything she demanded,

she smiled then shook his hand, announced the location for the handover then stepped back and was about to walk away, I guess she was stupid too, she hadn't even acknowledged my presence considering I was the one helping her in this situation,

I cleared my throat to catch her attention and I could tell it worked because she stopped in her tracks then turned to me, I didn't bother looking at her or anyone else, I simply announced that it will be a private wedding and with that said I got up and got out so I could stop breathing the same air as these people,

once I made my way to the car i was about driving away but I remembered father so I decided to halt my movement,

Few minutes later I saw him stepping outside and without wasting my time I decided to air my displeasure.

"That is the kind of woman you want me to spend the rest of my life with?"

"yes son, what's wrong with her, if you ask me I Think she's better than that barbie doll you prance about with"

"it's a good thing I'm not asking you then, Arabella is everything Alexandra can never be even if she tried, what kind of a person demands things like that for helping her family when they need her most.? "

"The kind of person who understands the ropes of business Adrian, don't go preaching now because you are basically doing worse than her, besides what's wrong with choosing to get something in return? "

' Are you honestly asking me that father? "
He shrugged and started opening the door and sliding into the car, I got in as well and told him what I needed him to always keep in mind.

"All I need is a year tops, that woman will be out of my life and then I will no longer have to associate with her likes"
With that said I buckled up and drove away.

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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me

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