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When I turned there stood my mother and sister with tears in their eyes looking quite distraught and not quite like themselves,

Seeing them now reminded me how much I missed having them in my life, but I was done trying, if they want to be a part of my life ill happily let them in, but if not, I'll still understand,

"After everything we did to you, how could you still be kind enough to do anything for us Moon?"
My mom asked through the tears that proved impossible to hold back,

"I was never a good sister to you, even when you begged me to stay, when I was told of your Sickness I had no idea how to be around you without causing you problems, I became so distant that eventually I had no idea what we were supposed to be any more, I am so sorry Alex"

Truth is that I had waited for so long to hear them saying those words, and now that they were actually saying them I realized that I had forgiven them way too long ago, I just wasn't excited about playing catch up with them at the moment, but I plan on being open minded,

Adrian was ready to start afresh with me, Jace had always been there for me, Mace who was still new in my life still tried to accept me, my grandparents left an empire in my name without judging my shortcomings, so who was I to withhold forgiveness back from anyone,

"I forgave you a long time ago mama, papa, and Meghan,
I will not talk about all the things that have happened in my life because I've out grown them, and im not going to lie and pretend that I'm willing to play catch up cause I am not exactly sure where to start, but I am willing to let you into my life so we can all start over"
I said then pulled them in a hug just to show them that I meant it,

I couldn't blame them anymore,
I was in a better place than I had found myself before, and it was all thanks to people who stuck around, if they were the people I had to return the kindness to then I am willing to do so,
They smiled at me, before my father spoke

"We'll spend the rest of our days playing catch up little Moon"
I smiled while dabbing on the tears that were pooling in my eyes, little Moon, that was the name he called me before everything went down the hills,

"I'll let you catch up then"
I smiled and waved at them, before I started making my way to the car where Jace was already waiting.

"Are you happy?"
He asked as soon as I got relaxed beside him,

I smiled before I turned to him, "Yes Jace, I am really Happy"

"I may not have liked your family for the longest time but I believe they are sincere, and I'm more than happy that you are willing to let them into your life, you deserve the best things of life baby girl and I'm glad that you are in a better place now "

" Thank you so much for always being there for me Jace, when everyone abandoned me you was there, I can never thank you enough for everything "
I replied hugging him really tight.

" I'm glad I could be of help, now on that note, I'm not going to accept the 10% you offered me, Alex you have made me richer than some A list Hollywood actors, you have made me famous, you have given me a name in the industry,

Something a lot of managers only imagine to have in this industry, having said that I will not accept your offer, we will add it to the percentage you have given the orphanage "

" Alright Jace, if it's what you want "
I agreed cause it was his choice whether to accept or not.

We fell into a comfortable silence after that while the driver headed to Adrian's office,
I needed let him in on my good news.

Finally we had arrived at his office and like deja vu it was happening again, the whispers only meant one thing,

I whispered more to myself,

"What about her?"
Jace asked looking at me expectantly,

"The last time she was here this was the exact reactions I got from these people when I'd come to invite Adrian to that dinner that never happened."

"yeah the dinner never happened cause you got laid instead"
Was his come back.

" that's beside the point Jace"
I replied even though my face was probably crimson red by now.

"Listen, the last time you were here you was nothing to the man, this time you are his wife and fiancee, so my point is when I open this door this instant whatever you see shouldn't stop you from fighting for what's yours, yeah?"

"Yeah, Let's do that"
I replied feeling pretty confident, if I don't fight for what's mine then I'm never going to keep it.

Jace opened the door and unsurprisingly there sat Arabella on his lap trying really hard to get a hold of his face, while he was still  trying to pry her off his lap, i guess he didn't notice our presence till the bitch looked our way and began smirking, probably thinking she had won again, I turned to Adrian who looked like he had seen death,

"Baby, Alex please it's not what it looks like, I can explain"
He rushed out while unceremoniously dropping her on the floor running towards me also earning a screech from the Banshee on the floor,

"Ady baby, what did you do that for? "
She asked spotting a pout.

Having decided I had had enough I walked towards her and stretched out my hand,
I'd been dying to smack the shit out of this woman, she took my hand and tried getting up, once she was on her feet she decided to open her rottened mouth

"Well at least you are not completely an air head"

With that I stepped closer to her and raised my hands real high then smacked her hard across the face, before stepping back and dusting my hands,

I wasn't afraid cause I knew even if she decided to fight back, I had Jace, Mace and Adrian to stop her,

"Adrian is my husband, he's no longer up for grabs and neither is he available to you,
When next I find you even a stone throw away from him we are gonna have problems and best believe you don't want that"

"and what you gonna do ex miss, he doesn't even love you"
She asked looking all smug and feeling bold,

I was about to reply to her but Adrian beat me to it,

"I've loved her since the first day I set eyes on her and you know that for a fact Bella, please leave and never come back, I'd hate to get legal with you"

"But Ady-

" Shut up bitch, it's Adrian to you and I think your raggedy ass and I need to have a serious conversation now, come along "
Jace said stepping forward and dragging her along while Mace followed behind probably so we could get some privacy.
While I turned over to My husband who seemed to be treading softly,

" Relax Adrian, I know you didn't do anything, I trust you "

I said pulling him into the hug I needed much.

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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me

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