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Waking up this morning to that awful menstrual Cramp made me extremely moody and annoyed, you never outgrow that thing I tell you.

After a lot of struggles and a full page of motivation speeches, I was able to get out of bed, did my morning routine and got dressed,  I didn't have any plans for the day so I simply wore a one peice joggers, then pulled my hair in a messy bun, then completed the look with a sunglass,    whenever the women's visitor came for me it was always a dark time in my life putting it less violently,    It was like a hangover except there will be no drinks involved,   I always got extremely sensitive too,    today had to be one of those days and woe be on whoever got on my nerves today.

   I was making my  way to the kitchen when I heard muffled voices having a rather weird conversation,    I didn't hear much but I could make out Mason's voice because he kinda Whisper yelled,

        "I just got this job and I'm not loosing it, so you tell her"

         "tell who what?"
I asked interrupting whatever Jace was about to say.

        "Oh it's nothing,  hey Alex"
Jace replied almost immediately, fiddling with the spatula he held.

           "Why are you dressed like death just visited you?"
I turned towards Mason's direction and tilted my head cause I was trying to understand why he would make such a reference as regards my choice of dressing.

Ignoring his comment I asked them again exerting a little bit more firmness to my  question,

      "What were you going to tell me?
I saw Mason nervously step back a little,  I glared at him daring him to take one more step back.

Surely you would think this was me overreacting but truth is,  all my life people had done nothing but hide things from me,  somehow they were things that would always hurt me one way or the other,   so watching Jace and Mason try to do that again was bringing me to a place I didn't want to be ever again.

        "I'm so sorry Alexandra,   it's just I didn't know how to show you this,  you seemed quite happy so I didn't want to ruin it,    I swear I already got everyone working to take it down from everywhere it has been posted,

       " SHOW ME !!!! "
I didn't mean to scream but I had heard enough of the stalling, 

I watched him release a sigh before he passed his phone to me,  although now I wish I never demanded to see it,

There in the cover page of the article were written in bold letters :
Few hours after the world got news of the engagement between former model turned business mogul and our ex miss universe and entrepreneur miss Alexandra MOON,  Pictures have surfaced proving that the duo were not completely honest with us,   judging by the pictures released by an anonymous source,    we can clearly see  The groom to be sitted in a compromising position with his long time girlfriend now turned ex,   yet we were told miss Moon wasn't the other woman,

could there be more here or is this a case of a misunderstanding,   Stay tuned for more Gist on the trio"

After reading the article I froze on the spot, how could he do this to me barely hours after I lied through my teeth,   even if he clearly had no feelings for me did I deserve being disrespected in such a manner?

I know they had been together for so long and I had done nothing but feel guilty for been the reason they might never get back together but this was too much.

         "bring my  things to the office,  I'll meet you there"
With that said I stormed out of the house ignoring their calls to come back,   I knew who I should be talking to and I was definitely going to him,   I knew my place in his life and I respected that, I just wished he would do same to me, with that in mind I drove straight to Smiths Office building.


Once I arrived there were paparazzi everywhere,   I  caught sight of one of the security guards who nodded at me before he led me into the building through what seemed like a back door, I smiled at him even if It  felt like a grimace,  he nodded before walking away, 

Once I got to his door,  I took deep breaths before I knocked,   almost immediately the door was swinged open revealing a worried Adrian and a stressed Greg, 

Even in his exhausted state he was still beautiful, 
I slowly nodded at Greg,  who in turn smiled sadly at me  revealing his slight wrinkles,  he  tapped my  shoulder then walked away probably giving us privacy.

I waited for him to walk away before I made my  way forward till I was standing just across his desk,    seeing as I was close enough I decided to say what I had come to say

        "I' understand that you have absolutely no feelings for me,  I understand that you feel like you have no choice as regards the matter and for that I am sorry,      I know that just like me you didn't want to wake up one morning only to realize that in a few days you will be married to a total stranger,   I truly understand all of that and you have no idea how sorry I am,     but please Adrian I hope you don't disrespect me in this manner,    I know you and Arabella have been together for so long and although you ain't together anymore  I am still guilty for been the reason you both might never be the same again but please try to think of me a little before you do things like this,    I am human too Adrian and I hope you  remember that "

With that said I stormed out of his office and went in the direction the guard from before had led me through, 

After turning a couple of hallways I was finally in the garage,   I ran straight to my car and as soon as I opened the door and got in, the Dam was released,   it had been a while since anyone was able to break my heart in such a Cruel manner,  he should have at least waited,  maybe ignored her, he should have done anything but this,   did he not know that I had loved him since I met him then,   I was scared to approach him so I worked  hard so that  he would notice me just like I wished my parents would,    finally I am above the top but they still ignored my existence.

I don't know how long I cried for but  finally I decided to stop,  I didn't want to have an episode in the middle of a parking lot, I could feel my breathing coming in and out a bit jumbled and difficult,  that was the first stage and I didn't need to get to the next.

I stepped on the gas and drove away,  I just needed to work, I'm sure Jace could handle this,   a lot of unreplied emails and unsigned documents is all the help I need.

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And stay beautiful or handsome...
That's all you gotta do for me

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