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Watching him right now reminded me of all the times he never even bothered acknowledging my existence,
He perceived me so wrongly that I'm sure he thought it useless to get to know me better and indeed he confirmed my thoughts when he spoke again,

     "eventually I came across the documents that bound me in marriage with you,   It was bitter sweet because somewhere deep down In me I never forgot how I felt about you,    but the stronger part of me reminded me of your actions,

Hence the move to acquire Smiths Corp, except I couldn't purchase all of it so I had no choice but to keep my own end of the bargain,  besides it seemed easy,

Marry you, work till I could acquire all of Smiths Corp then dissolve our little parade,

Except I was just a man and I had no power to play God,

Two months later I realized that I was still in love with you as I was all those years ago and nothing had changed those feelings"

At this point my heart was about beating out of its place and the dragon's that were swimming in my stomach were now hyper active,

Then he knelt on the floor and pulled my  legs so that I was now facing him and he was settled between my legs,

     "I'm so sorry Alex,  I'm not gonna ask you to forgive me immediately neither  am i going to ask you to just open up your heart to me but please Alex,    give me a chance to fix this,  to fix us and make this better for the both of us,

I will wait as long as it takes until you can open up and let me in,    until you can see me as the only man you wish to spend the rest of your life with,
I will wait for you Alex"

By the time he finished I had tears pulling in my eyes ,  I loved him too and I was ready for everything he was willing to do to make it better.

But then I remembered that it wasn't about me accepting him,  it was about how my choice was going to affect our marriage so  I focused back on him and decided to ask the question that could change everything for the both of us,

      "Our marriage was arranged by our grandparents but the clause was that in the case that we refused to get married we would have to give away the company and everything we got through the Company,   and the only way we could back out was to either purchase the businesses or willingly give it to the church,

My question is Adrian,  If I purchased all of King's Group where would that leave us? "

  He smiled at me and squeezed my hands a little before he spoke.

      "I will purchase Smiths  30% remainder and the companies will be ours respectively,  which brings me to the second phase of this conversation "

He said then got up and went to the drawer where he placed his computer and the bag Greg brought to him,   he took something out then made his way back but knelt down a bit further from me,

       " When we got married the first time I had no idea exactly what I was doing,  and I couldn't bring myself to believe that I'd been tied down just like that,  then you defended me from the press, offered your meal, kept being patient even when you shouldn't have,   

it's been one month since we got married Alex but it's felt a lot more to me cause you continued to surprise me,   

I'm sorry that it took me so long to realize that I couldn't live without you,    I'm sorry it took me so long to realize that there wasn't a future without you in it,    

So if you'll give me the chance to Alex ,   I want to spend each waking moment proving how much you mean to me,  I don't want us to be bound by dead people's decisions,  I want to be with you because you are all I want,    I want to be the only one that makes it all go away

So Alexandra Moon Smith will you do me the honor of been my Wife again? "

       "Yes, yes yes yes"
I jumped on him sending us both to the ground, while I kept  crying and laughing helplessly,   call me crazy and I will tell you I do not care,  he was proposing  and giving me a ring properly,  something I didn't think would ever happen.

        "This time you get to do it however you want, wherever you want and I promise to be a better groom this time "
He said standing and pulling me in a hug and twirling me around,

          "Thank you Adrian, this means a lot to me"
I whisper cried on his shoulder.

He nodded and began rubbing my back before he pulled away a little looking down at me before he spoke again,

        "I never got to clear the air about something though,   and I don't want us starting all over with misunderstandings,"   

He began leading us back to the bed and gently pulling me down on his lap,

     "Arabella and I  actually  broke up over a year ago but I guess it finally got out later,   we didn't stop being friends hence the misconception that we were still together,

When you saw us in that compromising position a couple of days back I swear to you that it' wasn't what it looked like ,   she had barged into the office and before I could kick her out she forced a kiss on me and that's exactly when you came in,   

I promise you that I will never do something like that to you with her or anyone else,  you are mine as I am yours, and you are stuck with me forever Babe"
He concluded rubbing his nose on my neck to my shoulder blade,

     "I believe you and I'm sorry too that I didn't let you explain"
I was heart broken seeing them like that,  but at least something positive came out of that negative event.

      "Promise me we'll talk about everything no matter how little they are,
I want to be a part of your life as I want you to be a part of mine"
He said now holding my chin so I could look at him,

          I promised while 
Smiling down at him,  he smiled back but his focus remained on my lips,    his intense gaze made me unconsciously lick my lips and his eyes traced the action,

He slowly started leaning in but I had no patience, I had promised myself that the next time we shared a kiss it wouldn't be one he didn't want, hence the hunger to be claimed by him now that he was willing to, 
so without further seeking for a control that flew out the window already I  smashed my  lips on he's, taking him by surprise,

He pulled away briefly,   looked at me for a while as if making sure that I was really there,

Probably he found his certainty cause he crashed his lips on mine again in a more intense kiss.

He took charge like the Alpha male he always was,  ravishing me like nothing else mattered but me and what he would do to my body.

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